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Brian K.

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Posts posted by Brian K.

  1. Yeah I'm surprised they haven't added NGINX support. I bet a large chunk of their customers use NGINX yet they're still stuck on Apache for some odd reason. @Ahmad E. the issue really isn't getting things to work with NGINX as anyone that is semi-competent can make it happen. The problem is when you open a support ticket with Invision Power and they use the fact that you have NGINX as a reason not to provide you with proper support. I had issues before where the imageproxy key needed a new hash because I changed my subdomain URL around and when I opened a ticket (this is before I knew about the hashgenerator.php), they shot me down because they claimed they don't support PHP 7 or NGINX. Yet my issue had nothing to do with either of those and I was left to figure it out on my own.

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