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  1. Members of my community complain about the difficulty in finding information with the search integrated into Invision They tell me that they find what they are looking for more easily by asking for their keywords in Google and adding the name of my site ... Apart from the Elastic Search option offered in the Admin, is it not possible to integrate a Google search as proposed by Google in its Adsense offer for example?
  2. Nowadays, photos from smartphones often weigh several Megabytes. My iPhone 11 pro gives standard 3,6 Mo pics and 4032x3034 pixels In Invision, we can set the maximum weight of each photo, the space allocated to each, it's very good We can also set the default display dimension in forums. Generally, between 800 and 1600 pixels. Rarely in the very large native dimensions of photos produced today. This raises a question. Why keep original photos whose size and weight are not suitable for web publication? Wouldn't it be appropriate to automatically reduce the size of downloaded images, so as not to use unnecessary space and to maximize their loading speed? Of course, this device could be configurable, disengageable, with a quality setting ....
  3. Since years I have URL fileds in the profile of members (facebook, website, instagram ...) One member notified me that there is a problem when filling one of the "URL" field => it gaves a 403 error I verified with a fake pseudo, the same. I also verified with admin pseudo, no 403 error I created a NEW URL profile, it is the same Any idea ?
  4. @Joel R - set up Word Filters for keywords DONE - Prepare and warn your moderator team. They can mark users as Spam DONE - Change your registration and security challenges (especially hcaptcha to the highest setting) DONE - Drink lots of alcohol 🥃 ALWAYS @Marc Stridgen - switching to email login ALMOST DONE (dual login enabled for some weeks before enabling email login, time to communicate with customers) Thank you very much to everybody
  5. Should we test the several tens of thousands of addresses of our members in this way??? Double auth is not generalized on the forums, if we implement it, our members will see this as a constraint that we _only_ impose on them and will turn away from us to go to other less "complex" forums to use. This issue is a real problem for our communities
  6. Hallo, I regret to inform you that my forum has been facing the same problem for several weeks. The proliferation of testimonies over this same period is disturbing. In the case of my forum, it is often profiles that are 2-3-4 years old that are used, often profiles with low activity. The Spam messages are always identical: "Super Casual Dating - Genuine Ladies" which suggests that it is a robot... Disastrous for the image of the forum...
  7. Since some weeks, I got regularly (not always) errors when validating new member. The error says : TypeError: IPS\forums\_Forum::setLastComment(): Argument #2 ($updatedItem) must be of type ?IPS\Content\Item, IPS\forums\Topic\Post given, called in /home/uumcgwyc/public_html/forums/system/Content/Comment.php on line 1360 (0) #0 /home/uumcgwyc/public_html/forums/system/Content/Comment.php(1360): IPS\forums\_Forum->setLastComment() #1 /home/uumcgwyc/public_html/forums/system/Member/Member.php(4869): IPS\Content\_Comment->changeAuthor() #2 /home/uumcgwyc/public_html/forums/system/Member/Member.php(4821): IPS\_Member->_processPostBeforeRegistering() #3 /home/uumcgwyc/public_html/forums/applications/core/modules/admin/members/members.php(2630): IPS\_Member->validationComplete() #4 /home/uumcgwyc/public_html/forums/system/Dispatcher/Controller.php(107): IPS\core\modules\admin\members\_members->approve() #5 /home/uumcgwyc/public_html/forums/system/Dispatcher/Dispatcher.php(153): IPS\Dispatcher\_Controller->execute() #6 /home/uumcgwyc/public_html/forums/admin/index.php(13): IPS\_Dispatcher->run() #7 {main}
  8. Hi Invision crew I use Events with my community. I discovered that pics (green arrows) that are used for each event does not have "alt" tag valued. When I do an SEO audit of the Events pages, the score is not good and the first correction requested is to enhance the Alt tags When I look at the HTML code of the Events pages, I observe that the Alt tag is indeed provided for by the code, but is not valued. Do you have any idea on how to correctly populate these Alt tags, either automatically (eg: event title) or in a personalized way? THANKS !
  9. But ... So ... is there any way to share a post / thread that has pic in facebook ?
  10. Yes, we forgot to clear caches after moving the website
  11. Not PHP configuration As the website was recentely migrated from a cPanel hosting to a non-cPanel hosting, it seems that Invision system had kept some old path references. Clearing all caches before uprgrading solved the problem and the new version was correctely installed some minutes ago. Suggestion : may be clearing automatically all caches before upgrade process could be an idea
  12. The error message is not the same at now
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