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Steve Hull

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Posts posted by Steve Hull

  1. So just a direct copy of the fixed sidebar categories block into a widget? I was toying with that idea when I first built the home page. Might be an issue if you've got a lot of categories though. I can include a widget next version that is just a copy of the current block if you want?

    Yes, I think so.  The reason I don't like it being fixed there is because I need something else above it, so being a widget I could move it further down the sidebar, or it could be left off if somebody doesn't want it.  None of the main IPB applications have anything like that, the sidebar is available to be used however somebody wants.


    Like the Gallery albums at the top, like how it shows the latest image from each album? That actually might be a better option and more media focused then the current approach. Let me know if you have any further thoughts on this. The only issue might be if someone had a lot of categories, might need to be some kind of cut off that will link to the view all categories page.

    Yes, just like the Gallery page - I think that would look great so that "media" type applications have the same look & feel.

    In the admin section you could have checkboxes for the blocks the user wants on the main page ie. Categories, New, Featured - perhaps with the abilty to change sort order.  Then if somebody has loads of categories they can choose whether or not they want to show them or not, if they like how it looks or not.

    Another option could be to allow user to feature either videos or categories, so if they have a lot of categories they could just choose the main ones they want to feature.


    I've gotten some competing feedback on how the categories/sub categories should be served. So anyone who was to provide feedback is open to reply or PM me with their suggestions. Generally I'll use the same approach that the default forums and apps use to maintain the same design standard but if there a better suggestions out there, I'm open to them.

    Just to follow up on my post above, I think it would be great if the categories currently in the sidebar could be a widget, then can be places where desired.

    I really like the "latest videos" section, but would also like to be able to have categories, with image/thumbnail in the main part of the site, like on the gallery app. 

  3. Thanks, looks great.


    I sent you a PM with the test board login details. Let me know if you need further help setting it up.

    I'm not aware of any skin issues with the Videos app currently. Generally if the skin is designed well and follows proper standards then it should be compatible with any of my apps. If you've got a skin you would like to try, the demo board includes acp login details so feel free to install the skin to check it's compatible.

    Thanks Mike, tried it, bought it, installed it.

    It works great and looks great with the theme.  Just one question so far... in the main area where it lists "New Videos" or you have the option to put "Featured Videos", is there any option to have the categories listed in this way?  Thing is, due to the layout of my site I can't really have the categories where they are as I need the site sponsor's MPU in there.


  4. I can setup a demo board if you would like?

    yes please, that would be great. 

    Also, will it be styled by the theme I have installed (agile by ips themes) or as its a separate application would I need to style it myself?


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