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Everything posted by SC36DC

  1. I'm curious about this, since I use the Raffles plugin now, and will be purchasing Members Shop soon. You stated that some users are having this issue, so other users were able to purchase raffle tickets with points? Thanks.
  2. Would it be at all possible to PM me the PDF guide so I could see if it would be something I could manage? If not, no worries at all. Thank you for the quick reply.
  3. Is this plugin still being supported? There hasn't been an update for a while (maybe there hasn't been one needed), and I noticed there hasn't been a reply to this post. Just checking as I am interested in purchasing this. I am EXTREMELY new to Pages. Does this come with documentation on how to use it? Thank you.
  4. I have a few issues when viewing the VIDEOS section on mobile. Some of these are actual formatting/css issues and some I guess are requested styling help. This applies when viewing it with my IPSfocus theme and IPS default theme. Any help you can provide for this, I would greatly appreciate. Thank you so much! REACTIONS FEATURED VIDEOS TITLE TEXT OVERLAP/'SORT BY' FILTER STATISTICS CATEGORIES One more thing is the bottom copyright/link is placed above the social media icons
  5. Even though there are votes in each thread, the main page of Questions and Answers shows all to have 0 Votes. Is this a known bug, am I missing a setting? I'd appreciate any help with this. Thank you.
  6. I appreciate the quick reply @opentype Any idea about this? There are definitely members that will never be back, for those, if I'm willing to do it, I could always manually move them to the proper group right?
  7. I already have ALL my forum members in the Group named Members. Is it possible to now set Group Promotion Rules, and set the first group with content count less than 6. Next group set content count to more than 5, and so on. Will all current members be automatically moved to the new Groups that I create? Do they ALL have to stay in the group Member also? Will that be a secondary group? If they have to remain in Member also, which name will show on the front end under their name? --------------------------------------------------------------------------- In Member settings, I turned on 'Enabled Group Promotions'. I set the third group to have more than 360 posts, when I was looking at Groups, I noticed there was 1 member added to the third group (360 posts), and when I checked his content count, he only had 30. Not sure what is going on or what is the problem.
  8. WOW, this is 5 years old and still has not been implemented? As someone who just started using Advertisements for myself, I definitely see the benefit of being able to target certain sections of the forum, the easy way, not by having to edit templates.
  9. A couple of things. I am using custom made images for a advertisement. I created an image for Desktop and one for Mobile. I set them for each. I must say, being able to apply different size images for different device screen sizes is very nice, and it works perfectly. I grabbed the corner of my desktop window and started scaling it down, and the image changes to the mobile version just as it should. Thumbs up for this! ---------------------------------------------------------------- Now my issue. First, on the Advertisements page in the section 'Shows to', I wanted to first test it out and make sure it worked and looked properly, so I set it to just show to Administrator, which I am. But on the front end, the image never showed. When I changed the 'Shows to' option to 'Everyone', the image then showed up. Any ideas on what setting I am missing, or why it did not show when set to Administrator? UPDATE:I figured out why the Advertisement was not showing to me when I set it to just show to Administrator. My profile is set to Administrator for Primary Group, and for Secondary Group I was also in the Moderator and Member groups. Once I took myself out of the Secondary Groups, and tried to show the Advertisement just to Administrator again, it worked, I was able to see it. So consider the first issue resolved. ---------------------------------------------------------------- Need Help With The Following 2nd, When I set the image to show 'Just below the page header', it actually showed in the exact spot I wanted it to. The thing is, I only want it to show on my forums homepage. Not sure if that is the proper word to use, "homepage", or would it be "index", I'm not sure. But I only want the image to show in the main page of the forum, not on every page. The main reason for this is because I designed the image as the same width of the boxes below it, so it fits perfectly when on the home page, once you visit a different page then the image shows by itself, there are no sidebar widgets, so it doesn't fit the whole width of the area. 3rd, I did try the 'Define your own locations' setting, but I do not know which template file I need to edit for it to show ONLY on my forums main page, just below the page header. I would greatly appreciate any help with this, Thank you!
  10. This would be great to be able to set a character limit, so you don't have to do anything extra, and also to make sure the Our Picks boxes are all the same height. A Read More button also lets people know that there is more to read on the subject, some may think what they are reading is the complete entry. Great idea.
  11. Thank you for the info and link, I'm going to check it out now. UPDATE: After reading the article, it convinced me to deactivate the Clubs option for now.
  12. This worked perfectly, thank you. The suggested change for the spacing issue did not work though. Is it ok if I PM you the link to the page, will that help at all for you to see it?
  13. As I started watching the video, I laughed and my eyes watered at the same time. Why? Excitement! It's truly hard to fully compete with the likes of Elementor, Divi, or even WPBakery, but it's not impossible. You guys are definitely headed in the right direction. I was just going to ask, if it's possible to have 2 or 3 blocks side by side, so I can place images in each block, then I saw your comment ... If I wanted just the top row to have 3 columns, then underneath that, 1 column, then under that, 2 columns, is that possible? If not, being able to customize the layout of a page like, pretty much like the page builders I mentioned would be incredible. Thanks for the amazing update. With so many negative things happening in 2020, 4.5 will surely be the highlight of the year.
  14. We need a visual builder like Elementor in order to take full advantage of PAGES and be able to make anything our minds could imagine!
  15. CLUBS When I asked a few people on my forum about the use of CLUBS, one friend stated how he didn't think it should be used. To him it would just be segregating content from the main forum. Why create a club about a certain topic, when a thread could just be created on the forum. I know of the following thread, and read through it, but would love to hear some fresh insight on this topic. BLOGS Do you use Blogs on your forum? Do you use it for yourself, do you let forum members create their own blogs, and if so, do they actually use it? Again, just like CLUBS, why create a blog and talk about a topic when you could just create a thread on the forum and discuss it there? I would love to hear your thoughts on this. Not sure if I should invest in getting this last piece that I am missing from the IPS tools.
  16. The block that displays Latest Comments, I would like to display this on my homepage to let people know that there are comments being made in the Videos section. How would I change the block header from 'Latest Comments' to 'Latest Video Comments'? Thank you in advance for your help!
  17. I am using a IPFocus theme, Chameleon. I just changed it to Daily. I just did this, and it worked. Thank you.
  18. I noticed when looking at a video while the DISCOVER tab is selected, a video says it has '11 views', then while the TRENDING tab is selected, the same video shows it has '18 views'. This goes for all videos, they have different view count depending on which tab is active. Is this a bug? Or what does this mean exactly? Does it mean how many views they got in each section (Discover, Trending), if so, is it possible to display total view count, no matter which tab is active? Thank you.
  19. At one point I did have email validation set up, so these accounts must be from that time. I currently have it set to Administration Validation. This is a great idea. Thank you so much. I will try this.
  20. Thanks for the reply, but is ist still possible to achieve? Connecting Facebook for login and promotion?
  21. Thank you for clearing that up. I guess I have to delete them one by one.
  22. I also need to do this, but I can not find the setting pictured anywhere. I looked in System>Login & Registration>Registration ... and what is pictured above, is not showing at all. Maybe mine is different. I have my 'Validation method for new accounts' set to 'Administrator validation'. So when I go to Members>Members and click on the 'Validating' tab, I have 7 pages of accounts I would like to delete. I do not see a way to bulk select and bulk delete all in here. The problem with deleting them one by one is, once I delete the first one, it changes the selected tab back to 'All'. I accidentally deleted a member because I thought it was still in the 'Validating' tab. Any help with this?
  23. Thanks for this. This worked as far as adding the line above, but the text 'View All Categories' is still flushed with the bottom and not centered vertically. Any way to adjust this? Thanks.
  24. Would you also agree that this would be an incredible feature to have built in to the forum? I think it would be amazing. Such a small but significant feature would make a big difference. I really get worried of the idea of having to install so many plugins knowing at any moment the developer could decide to stop supporting or updating the plugin, not to mention the possibilities of plugins conflicting with each other and causing errors and breaking the forums functionality. I do hope one day this feature gets added by IPS.
  25. I did try it, got to parts that didn't match up, what I was seeing on the page to what the guide was showing. The guide is not so straightforward as it should be. Then after reading the following on the Guide's page, why not update the Guide to show what has changed? ImportantPlease note that due to changes on the facebook platform, the below process may not be the entire process required, and you may have to get your application business verified. We are working on a solution to this issue at present.
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