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Jim M

Invision Community Team
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  1. Jim M's post in Registrations Notification to Admins? was marked as the answer   
    A while back we moved this from a global setting to an individual admin notification setting so each administrator could receive this and other notifications that they desired. You can set this in the ACP > Notification bell (top right) > Notification Settings. 
  2. Jim M's post in Create a nickname for users instead of their display name was marked as the answer   
    The display name is the "name" in our software which is given to a user. I'm afraid, we do not offer any other identification like what you're asking here. I would simply disable the display name change for the group if this is causing confusion as it sounds like from your setup. 
  3. Jim M's post in Can't access site - SSL expired was marked as the answer   
    Unfortunately, it looks like the SSL certificate automatic renewal entry in your DNS is missing for our Cloud. I made a ticket for you with and provided the record to re-add it.
  4. Jim M's post in Can't access site - SSL expired was marked as the answer   
    Unfortunately, it looks like the SSL certificate automatic renewal entry in your DNS is missing for our Cloud. I made a ticket for you with and provided the record to re-add it.
  5. Jim M's post in restrict member group to send message to vip member group? was marked as the answer   
    You can restrict a member group from sending messages entirely but not to a certain member group(s). If these users are not participating, you could always restrict your base member group for a period of approved content items or time then promote the group to another group which does not restrict messaging.
    Otherwise, this would currently require a third party integration to perform this. However, I am not currently aware of one in the Marketplace.
  6. Jim M's post in Is there a way to remove posted by date from a forum or pos? was marked as the answer   
    It would replace the specific date in that spot for all forum posts but as @opentype states:
    There are countless dates throughout our software so to completely remove all dates here, would require a lot of editing of themes. Another drawback, that would be worth mentioning, is that if an upgrade of our software touches one of those templates in the theme which were modified, you would need to manually update those templates. One of those things which need to weigh the pros/cons of a decision.
  7. Jim M's post in Mark as Solved was marked as the answer   
    are you the topic starter? otherwise, you'll need a moderator permission if you wish to mark as solution.  The group you're in has restricted moderator permissions. If this is your administrator group, I'd advise not restricting those.
  8. Jim M's post in Where are the blogs? was marked as the answer   
    Our company blog actually utilizes Pages as it is more from a single source (IPS) rather than our Blogs application is more for community blogging from many users, whom may not be related.
    Our company blog is at: https://invisioncommunity.com/news/
  9. Jim M's post in I can't change my licensed URL was marked as the answer   
    Please remove the redirect temporarily while you perform the URL reset in our tool and then you can then re-enable the redirect. 
  10. Jim M's post in Moving from from 4.4.10 to 4.6.6 - Themes not rendering was marked as the answer   
    I would advise editing those configurations so you can see the custom URL. From that screen, you still cannot see it but the uploads configuration is in use. 
  11. Jim M's post in Seen online when anonymously logged in was marked as the answer   
    Are you viewing as yourself or another user? Is that user an administrator? Unfortunately, I cannot reproduce this as a regular member when an administrator is anonymous. However, I can see my own online status when anonymous.
  12. Jim M's post in Invision community theme was marked as the answer   
    Sorry. Similar to our last design, we only will use it here on our website. It is a quick taste of what is certainly possible when theme-ing and developing with our software 😉. Of course, with saying that, the only things that are radically different are the header/footer. The rest is pretty much the default theme that ships with the software with some basic color tweaks.
  13. Jim M's post in Ticket System? Where did it go... was marked as the answer   
    Any communication from us will be sent to your email. We did receive your support ticket and you will receive a response via email when we respond back.
    I understand things may be a little confusing right now but please bear with us in this change.
    You're more than welcome to start any issue with your community here in the Forums and we can transfer it to a ticket if a technician determines it necessary. This will be the eventual flow. 
  14. Jim M's post in replace font size to h1 h2 h3 was marked as the answer   
    Unfortunately, that specific editor toolbar button is for size so will put in inline CSS for font-size. There may be a CKEditor plugin for specifically H1/H2/H3, etc... However, you might be able to do like we did here and create your own custom button with a little HTML: 
  15. Jim M's post in Set Price to Files inside a Club Download Section was marked as the answer   
    Being able to create paid files is on the member group so they would be able to perform this anywhere applicable, including Clubs.
  16. Jim M's post in Which i can do with Pages addon? was marked as the answer   
    Pages is our Content Management System(CMS) application. Has a lot built into it. I would suggest starting in our Guides to get a feel for what it can do: 
    Can create static and dynamic pages, build Databases to create an article system (or other custom data types), custom blocks/widgets, and more. 
  17. Jim M's post in .htaccess example was marked as the answer   
    Can find our rewritten URL .htaccess in ACP > System > Search Engine Optimization > in the description of “Rewrite URLs?”
  18. Jim M's post in Commerce: require an account to purchase (checkout) was marked as the answer   
    Gotcha. Now that I also allow my base member group to download (I had an upper group but not the base member), I see what you mean. In normal operation though, I would imagine users would want to encourage their guests to register to download. If you don't want people to register, I'd advising disabling registration. I don't think this a bug but rather a change in the feature which you'll want to suggest.
  19. Jim M's post in Remember Me sign-in option - possible to shorten or disable? was marked as the answer   
    They would only keep refreshing if you keep visiting within that 90 days. If you do not visit till 91 days then you have to login again. This is pretty much standard for low-medium secure websites. I honestly can't remember the last time I had to login to Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, etc... because I visit those on a semi-daily basis.
  20. Jim M's post in How to shorten quotes was marked as the answer   
    Sounds like something is not quite right with Javascript or the theme on your community since upgrading. Either there is a theme compatibility issue, cache issue, or a write issue on the server. I would recommend clearing cache by going to ACP -> System -> Support. Then try again.
    If that does not help:
    Switch to an unmodified theme and check again. Check to ensure write permissions on your server are correct. If you're on our Cloud, please submit a ticket as we would need to see what else is going on.
  21. Jim M's post in How remove status updates was marked as the answer   
    There is no delete all messages button, I'm afraid. To delete a status update, you will need to click the status update and view it. You can do this by clicking the status update in the block or going to the profile of the user who posted it. You can then delete it by clicking "Options" then "Delete" as outlined below in the screenshot.
    Moderator permissions control what you can moderate on the front-end of your community, such as here. You will need to ensure your group has correct moderator permissions. Administrator permissions control what you can do in the Admin Control Panel so simply because you have an administrator account does not mean you have moderator permissions. For more on this, you can read the following Guide: https://invisioncommunity.com/4guides/staff-and-moderation/creating-administrators-and-moderators-r31/

  22. Jim M's post in Possible to not use Custom CSS in mobile view? was marked as the answer   
    There is not a separate mobile view in our software as a responsive architecture is used (aka we adapt the view based on screen-size). CSS loads for a whole page regardless of what screen-size is used. You would need to use media queries to specify what parts of your custom CSS should render for certain screen-sizes: https://www.w3schools.com/Css/css_rwd_mediaqueries.asp
  23. Jim M's post in Dangerous PHP Functions Enabled was marked as the answer   
    This warning in your ACP is a strong recommendation as these functions can be dangerous but our software can run without issue with them enabled. This is merely a recommendation to strengthen the security of your server as our software (and others) does not utilize these dangerous functions (as mentioned in the warning). If you are on a shared server, you may not have complete control over the server as indicated by your hosting provider. This would be something you would want to research if you want the capability to better secure your server or stick with your provider.