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Jim M

Invision Community Team
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Community Answers

  1. Jim M's post in Upgraded, image and post editing issues now... was marked as the answer   
    Please clear your cache by going to ACP -> Support -> Clear System Cache.
  2. Jim M's post in Guest group count was marked as the answer   
    A guest is someone who is not logged in. Technically, it is a session so technically if someone opens your site in multiple browsers, those are different sessions of a guest even though same IP address.
    You can use the "Guest Signup Widget" to target guests to signup.
  3. Jim M's post in Menu Manager Quirks was marked as the answer   
    You have a dropdown inside your menu there, you'll need to click into it to edit it or straight remove the drop-down.

    You have added this multiple times inside it looks like as you see here:

  4. Jim M's post in If Access to Forum is Denied - Access to Sub-forums is also Denied was marked as the answer   
    This is intended behavior. If the Parent forum is not accessible, so will the child. As the structure is hierarchal.
    I would just make them two parent forums under the same category as that will be hierarchal and navigational sense which will limit confusion of users.
    Nothing in our software is merely accessible by URL without some form of customization. Member groups and hierarchal settings play a role in permissions, navigations, etc... This is best for user experience and structural integrity. As you wouldn't want someone accessing something they shouldn't.
  5. Jim M's post in Calendar Cannot Add Events was marked as the answer   
    You'll want to ensure that you do not have any custom FURLs at ACP -> System -> Advanced Configuration -> Friendly URLs. Revert if you have any related to calendar.
  6. Jim M's post in Get email on new user registration... was marked as the answer   
    This can be found in ACP -> click the notification bell in the top right -> Notification Settings -> A new member has completed registration
  7. Jim M's post in Recommended Elastic Search version for IPS 4.7? was marked as the answer   
    Should state it in the ACP: Must be running at least version 7.2.0, but less than version 8.0.0.
  8. Jim M's post in Test License Key (Remove) was marked as the answer   
    I have transferred this to a ticket to assist you. Please note you can submit a contact request to the account department for these requests.
  9. Jim M's post in Gmail signing statisitic was marked as the answer   
    There are not currently reports/statistics on Google based registrations through the Google Login Provider.
  10. Jim M's post in Need to clean a little bit my user base was marked as the answer   
    Yes, you can do so by going to ACP -> Members -> Members -> click Advanced Search (cogwheel icon) -> enter your search terms -> on the resulting table of members found, you'll see a blue bar, you can then click "Prune Members Found" to prune them. Be sure that you are certain you want to delete these users as the only way to retain them is through restoring a database backup.
  11. Jim M's post in Turn off notifications for a blog post needing moderation was marked as the answer   
    There would not be a way to specifically turn off notifications for just that. It would be all moderation related activity.
    This would be in your own notification settings on the front-end for moderated items. Account Settings -> Notification Settings -> Moderation.
  12. Jim M's post in Javascript problem after upgrade was marked as the answer   
    Glad to hear you resolved it. Likely at some point it failed to generate as clearing cache in our software will regenerate the file. It may have just been a temporary issue on your server or otherwise that then got cached by CloudFlare 🤷‍♂️.
  13. Jim M's post in Banned User in Online Users List was marked as the answer   
    Yes, they would simply be viewing the banned message as they cannot view the site if they have the banned status applied to them.
  14. Jim M's post in Recurring Coupon for Subscription was marked as the answer   
    Coupons will not automatically apply for subsequent renewals. You can allow coupons to be used on renewals, but the code would need to be applied on each renewal invoice.
  15. Jim M's post in PII Data Request by Admin was marked as the answer   
    ACP -> Members -> Members -> find member -> click "Account Actions" -> Download Personal Information
  16. Jim M's post in V5 system requirement was marked as the answer   
    Time machine at this point 😄 . Kidding, kidding...
    We haven't released those officially just yet as version 5 is still in Alpha. I wouldn't say they will be wildly different than version 4. Likely PHP 8.1 minimum requirement depending on release timing.
  17. Jim M's post in Site not displaying properly in Chrome until I clear system cache was marked as the answer   
    Likely your cache on Chrome got corrupted or otherwise outdated. If after clearing your browsers cache it corrected, it was just a local cache corruption issue.
  18. Jim M's post in Unable to update plugins was marked as the answer   
    You would upload that to ACP -> System -> Plugins. 
    Applications are tars. Plugins are xmls.
  19. Jim M's post in Almalinux 9 Compatibility was marked as the answer   
    Almalinux is an Operating System (OS). Our software does not directly run at the OS level, it runs on Apache, PHP, and MySQL. Therefore, so long as Alamalinux supports compatible versions of Apache, PHP, and MySQL, you're fine.
  20. Jim M's post in Delete Topics from deleted Forums was marked as the answer   
    You may wish to try to rebuild the search index at ACP -> System -> Search -> Rebuild Search Index.
  21. Jim M's post in Thread missing from Forum was marked as the answer   
    Click the check box of the content you want to restore and then click restore on the menu that pops up at the bottom of the screen.
  22. Jim M's post in I have purchased the community plan, please help me set up the parsing record was marked as the answer   
    We have received your ticket request to handle your domain. It is in our queue and a tech will attend to it shortly.
  23. Jim M's post in Daily Digest 101 was marked as the answer   
    Users can opt into receiving follow notification emails each day, instead of immediately:

  24. Jim M's post in Link Blog Comments to the Forums was marked as the answer   
    Pages Databases can post a topic with each record which is posted. That is what is happening here 🙂 . We opted to not allow comments on the Pages Database record itself.
  25. Jim M's post in Pushing User Signups through a Choose a Subscription Page was marked as the answer   
    If you require a subscription on registration, it will direct the user to select a subscription first when clicking registration. 
    The order of the Subscriptions in the ACP. You can reorder them 🙂 . To the left of the Subscription name is an icon with multiple bars, drag that to the order you want it.
    This is not possible. 
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