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Jim M

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Release Notes v5





Everything posted by Jim M

  1. PHPMail utilizes your server's PHP configuration to send mail. If that is not what you want, you would need to change it to SMTP and enter those access details.
  2. The Cloud platform is priced how many other SaaS platforms (and businesses) price their feature sets - the more you pay the more functionality you get. Our middle-tier, Creator Pro package, actually has everything that is available to a self-hosted customer, which is below the 90% line 😉 . Keep in mind that our platform is not just software, it comes with an Enterprise-level cloud infrastructure behind it, that anyone, even the Beginner package individuals, are benefiting from. The Beginner package itself, is very much that appeal to give the best worlds to simple communities. While you may be sourcing your $1,000 / month here satirically, I will point out that none of our retail packages cost that much. $50 or $100 a month would qualify for our Beginner or Creator packages. Which the Creator package, really has everything a self-hosted license has except for Pages Databases. Not knowing your site, I can't say whether or not that is worth the move.
  3. Please ensure that you're using the latest release of the software on PHP 8.0 or PHP 8.1. Please contact your hosting provider as, @Miss_B mentioned, your database is not able to accept the number of connections you're using. You may need to configure your hosting properly or upgrade your package.
  4. This would not suffice most ad handler requirements as this will execute it 3 times.
  5. This is likely when the file was uploaded.As Randy mentioned, the file is not static so any changes would not be written directly to it thus you can tell by just looking at your file server logs.
  6. You would need to contact the author of that third party application for assistance. Looks like you're missing a file but you would need to contact them for assistance.
  7. We utilize a responsive design so there are not separate version to place that in. I'm afraid, we do not have means to support that and would fall on your advertisement provider to do so.
  8. Unfortunately, I am not seeing an issue with replies. Are you seeing any other delay with your internet connection?
  9. If you're using an advertising provider that provides you with a JavaScript code, they would need to support that. If you're using our advertising module with images, you would simply click the "Use smaller images" to upload images for those particular screens: "Small image" would show on a small screen (aka mobile) "Medium image" would show on a medium screen (aka a tablet or certain desktop resolutions)
  10. Looking at the sitemap our software generates on your site, I am seeing lastmod dates of today. Do you have an example?
  11. The rebuilding option is to refresh the content from the Database record to the topic so that would not recreate the topic. I'm afraid, there is not currently a way to recreate the topics.
  12. Perhaps FireFox's privacy settings is blocking something from Google which it requires to show ads. You would need to contact Google about that. Regardless, sounds like our software is serving your advertisement so you did set it up correctly.
  13. I have our codebase open here and just searched it using an IDE 🙂 .
  14. They shouldn't get this warning unless they try to access something and they don't have access. Locking themselves out would render a different error on the login form that states they're locked out.
  15. There is no need to. We automatically allow localhost when using your test key. Your test key is your license key appended with -TESTINSTALL
  16. 2S119/1 means that they are banned. You will want to ensure that their IP address isn't in your ban settings in ACP -> Members -> Ban Settings.
  17. We are still awaiting details from this user so if you are wanting to provide yours, we can also look at your issue. If you want to provide us the member name or ID and then the access below: We would need to look further into this for you, however the access details on file appear to be incorrect or missing. Could you please update these details by visiting your client area, selecting the relevant purchase, then clicking "Review/Update Access Information" under the "Stored Access Information" section. We look forward to further assisting you.
  18. Each time you clear the Invision Community cache, it rebuilds dynamic theme items like CSS and JavaScript. If there was an issue with your CDN or writing to your storage, the clear cache would rewrite the files on your storage and attribute a new cache busting URL to the CSS and JavaScript so that you CDN would need to re-cache the files as well.
  19. Building off of what Marc said, it sounds like the JavaScript may not have written correctly or retrieved correctly from your storage and broke most of these items which require it to function. Then once that temporary issue was resolved on your storage, the issue went away.
  20. As mentioned in the other topic: Our software will work on any servers which meet the minimum requirements. The path provided in this topic is merely an example path because that's what the client provided. You will have your own path which needs to be corrected in your PHP settings. If you're no longer running cPanel then you need to update the path to be correct for your server in your PHP settings on your server.
  21. Our software will work on any servers which meet the minimum requirements. The path provided in this topic is merely an example path because that's what the client provided. You will have your own path which needs to be corrected in your PHP settings.
  22. The sessions for the front-end and ACP are different so you would need to login again to the ACP if you only logged in to the front-end. However, they are the same credentials.
  23. Thank you for bringing this issue to our attention! I can confirm this should be further reviewed and I have logged an internal bug report for our development team to investigate and address as necessary, in a future maintenance release.
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