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Jim M

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Release Notes v5





Everything posted by Jim M

  1. Advice would be to upgrade all or uninstall them completely if you are not using them. While, this one was likely Members Country, as you have so many, odds are you will encounter another if all are not compatible.
  2. Did all background tasks fully complete at the time you realized these reviews were still in the approval queue? Please note, we do not recommend manual database deletion. This can cause unintended consequences.
  3. Am I correct in assuming that this was on the URL you listed at in your code example? Just want to see if this is a parsing error on our end, we take care of it or find a more robust way to validate those when they are inserted into this field.
  4. You will want to upgrade all third party applications/plugins to their compatible releases. There is an issue with one causing an error in the background tasks.
  5. If there are no immediate issues or errors with your community, you can safely ignore the "Fix This" on the Caching area of the Support Dashboard. The "Fix This" buttons were added as Call to Actions to help guide you in the event that there is an error.
  6. Unfortunately, as mentioned in your ticket, you are experiencing an issue with your domain which is requiring investigation from a manager. As this issue is completely unique and escalations of this kind can take some time, I do not have an ETA for you or any further information at this time. I completely understand any and all frustration, we certainly would prefer this not to happen and are frustrated as well but we will work through it. You brought a few concerns up in your ticket and if you have any further, I encourage you to post them there as the manager will address them when they reply back to you next. Once again, I apologize for the inconvenience and thank you for your patience.
  7. Thanks, Randy! Please let us know, @Sirapat Kidwisala, if you have any further questions.
  8. PHP 8.1 is still not officially supported. You can check when we do release official support in our Release Notes.
  9. This feature is not available at this time in Gallery so I have moved this topic to our Feature Suggestion forum for you.
  10. Glad to hear that this is resolved now 🙂
  11. Thanks Adriano and Randy! If you have any further questions, @Leon Bollerup, please let us know.
  12. You're very welcome. While you are in a time that is not "urgent, site offline mode", I would recommend learning how to upload files manually to your server or find some way to accommodate this for the future. While the auto-upgrader is a fantastic tool, like any technology, it can fail and there needs to be a way forward. Often, these auto-upgrade issue result back to the server themselves with not only permissions but further things like owner/groups of the folders/files, /tmp directory having issues, connection failures, etc... Having your hosting provider investigate these things now is a good idea but in the future, manually uploading files will allow your community to get back online faster.
  13. You're very welcome! Glad we could be of assistance 🙂 .
  14. I ran the upgrader for you and your community is back online again. Please let us know if we can be of further assistance.
  15. Sorry, your ticket is still awaiting reviewal from a manager to move forward. I apologize for the inconvenience.
  16. Thank you for your feedback but I believe this topic has ran it's course. If you have any further recommendations about the topic feed block or any other features, please post them in our Feature Suggestion forum for further evaluation.
  17. I'm sorry to hear that these alternatives do not meet your needs. However, I will re-iterate that the feature was originally broken due to the nature of blocks and their native caching which would not show the user the correct read status. Removing the read status to make it agnostic is the change which was done some time ago. On small boards, it could be this was never found due to caching times and infrequent users but on a whole from all sized communities, self-hosted to our Cloud, we heard significant complaints about the read status not being correct. I'm afraid, it's a damned if we do and damned if don't scenario by all involved as the bug would require significant rewrites of the block core code to fully resolve so this was the solution to appease all involved. Once again, I am sorry this does not meet your needs and I hope in the future you can find something that fits them. This was never mentioned at all. What I mentioned was I can see the downfall of the Activity Stream in your use if you are looking for something which would embed in other pages. If there is confusion, please ask as we do not want to mislead other clients. Once again, I assure you that all feedback is considered. Unfortunately, we cannot appease everyone all the time. However, all ideas and suggestions are thoroughly reviewed and vetted by our team.
  18. You would need to restore a file backup which you took prior to starting the upgrade process. That is the only way to return to the previous release, I'm afraid. If you do not have this, the only way forward would be to work with your hosting provider to upload the set of files from the Client Area.
  19. I asked a few questions in your topic. Let's keep these separate so we're not bouncing between different support topics for users here.
  20. Was the image attached to that content piece? If so, could you please provide the URL to the given content there? Can't tell if that is a forum post but we will need to inspect the content which the image was added to. If it was not and the URL was pasted in, it may be the content which the image was uploaded to has been removed or is in a place which the user viewing cannot access it.
  21. Activity Streams are by far more powerful than a Topic Feed as it can adapt to whatever it is you are wanting to see. A default Activity Stream can be set as the homepage, should you desire. I would say their only downfall for your use is the Activity Stream cannot be combined on another page it sounds like. Activity Streams can be customized to what you want to see, you can also set it to only view content items rather than replies, etc... so it is only one entry per topic (content piece). If you have a set of users who only care about a few forums on your community, I would setup a stream for them and set it in a prominent place in your navigation. As mentioned, if topic feeds are something you care about, I would create a Feature Suggestion forum for this change you are requesting or hire a third party provider to help you bring this functionality back. The alternatives which I mentioned here goes back a few replies where you requested a means for users to keep up with your community without having to navigate and review each and every forum on your community 🙂 . If they do not fit, they do not fit. Unfortunately, the topic feed acting in the way it is now is intended and I am sorry I do not have better new for you.
  22. If this was rather quick in between changes, everything saved correctly and you're viewing as a guest, I would imagine a cache clear is necessary by going to ACP -> Support -> Clear System Cache.
  23. You would need to check your CRON log for any logging of errors.
  24. Could you please confirm which your communities this is for? It looks like the one you have selected this for is not on the most recent release so therefore, the recommendation would be to upgrade to the most recent release.
  25. "MySQL server could not be found" were being returned. This is pretty much a generic connection issue that MySQL is returning. If the software cannot connect to the database, it cannot perform the task at hand but I do not see anything evident that it is from a task, no.
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