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Jim M

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Release Notes v5





Everything posted by Jim M

  1. I would advise working with your hosting provider to ensure that your WordPress .htaccess is not overwriting or otherwise impacting your .htaccess from Invision Community. I'm afraid, we are unable to assist with server management tasks and .htaccess from other software.
  2. As @Miss_B stated, this can be modified via the language system. If you're unfamiliar with that system, you can read our Guide here:
  3. Can always manually register them or temporarily disable the spam defense system.
  4. Yep, there is guest caching so you can certainly clear this as mentioned in my reply:
  5. To confirm these are not in ACP -> Members -> Ban Filters? If so, this would indicate that the user is in our Spam Defense database either due to attempting to register multiple times or another reason. If they are not a spammer they will eventually fall out but to allow them to register on your community, you can add them to the whitelist in ACP -> Members -> Spam Prevention -> Spam Defense Whitelist.
  6. Thanks for posting! Unfortunately, this issue is beyond the scope of our technical support. 👩‍💻 Our technical support is happy to help you with the Invision Community platform, but we're unable to help with things like server management, theme questions and modifications. I've moved this to our Community Support area where other Invision Community owners will see it and help where they can.
  7. This would be controlled by typical session so if you are active with the user, you would stay logged in as them. Once the session expires though, you would be logged out. We utilize normal PHP session configuration for this so it is a timing of around 20 min. I believe. I'm afraid, there is no way to change this on our Cloud. (Nor would we recommend changing it if were on self-hosted.)
  8. Sorry, believe there is some confusion, we do not need the URL to the image but the URL to where the image was posted on your community (in this case the article).
  9. I have split these items for you and moved it to our Feature Suggestion forum for you. Unfortunately, this is not something I can answer but it is currently, the intended function of the software.
  10. This is the current intended function. Here in support, I can only inform you on how the software operates today. If you would like to change it, please supply your suggestion in our Feature Suggestion forum. I'm sorry that not all suggestions would make it into the software.
  11. There is not. Deleting a member as an admin is a final action and would require a full restore of a database backup to restore the user. Keep in mind that you would lose any content made after the backup was taken. Please supply your suggestion in our Feature Suggestion forum for this.
  12. Please contact the author of the plugin for further assistance. Third party plugins are outside our scope of support.
  13. Please verify that the follow directories are writable per your server's configuration. I am seeing a mix of permissions throughout. applications datastore plugins uploads and all sub-folders of uploads.
  14. What you are describing here is not a feature in the software. If this is something you would like to see, please suggest it in our Feature Suggestion forum. You would need to delete all their content or the user themselves.
  15. Administrator notifications can be found in ACP -> click the notification bell -> notification settings.
  16. A 1 would indicate that this is a new spammer or could be a human that is smart enough to disguise themselves against what we check. Our software does not scan for spam anywhere, I'm afraid. The "Flag as Spammer" feature would remove all content though if it is setup to do so.
  17. Is this all editors or a specific URL? If the latter, please provide the specific URL.
  18. Excellent. Please let us know if that does or does not resolve the issue.
  19. This would indicate that your API key was not setup properly. Please ensure you follow the guide correctly and not add any further features till you ensure it is working first 🙂 .
  20. You may wish to review the Spam Prevention guide for assistance there: However, always keep in mind that there are two types of spam bot and human. Spam Prevention is never 100% absolute, there will always be some form of moderation of this. How much of course depends on your community and counter measures you deploy.
  21. A 500 Internal Server Error is like the check engine light on your car. It says something is wrong but not exactly what or where. Without the details of that log entry, I could not tell what went wrong. However, more likely than not with these auto-upgrader items is it is something in the extraction of the files. The log entry will tell you for sure where the issue is. Again, if it is an issue with the software, we will certainly assist you but if it is an issue with your server, we will need to move this to the advanced self-hosting support forum for peer to peer assistance as that is outside our scope of support.
  22. We have conversations to start per day and per minute. This would cover starting new conversations but not replying to existing conversations or those conversations sent to theme by users who can send messages.
  23. Are you able to provide me to a link of an existing post?
  24. When did you disabling messaging on your community? The messages from this user look to be from July of last year and earlier. As these messages are still in your database, the rebuild of Achievements would count these and this is how the user has this much reputation (they sent a TON of messages).
  25. You would want to replace the ACP credentials in the Admin CP Access fields. However, I see that these have been added so will use those for now.
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