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Jim M

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Release Notes v5





Everything posted by Jim M

  1. To add on top of what @Dll said, also check that your browser isn’t inserting wrong credentials. This often comes up as the explanation, I’m afraid.
  2. Your conf_global.php , constants.php, datastore folder, and uploads folder are encountering errors or our account does not have access. As you're using symbolic links on your server, I would advise placing these actual files in the installation directory as it could be creating issues.
  3. Please have the environment setup where you're having an issue and I can certainly investigate it.
  4. Excellent! Glad to hear you've found what you need. If there are any further questions, please clarify and we'll be happy to answer 🙂 .
  5. You would need to update to the site in the proper location and URL for us to investigate. We would not be able to move the installation for you, I'm afraid.
  6. Sorry, only active self-hosted licenses can change their license URL on file.
  7. I would suggest buying the Pages application if you're looking to merely embed a widget from an external site and not interested in doing custom programming. Pages comes with a lot of ways to drop Javascript code into widgets.
  8. Thank you for providing an example. Unfortunately, I am not seeing that the attachment was uploaded to the article there. It looks like the image URL was copy/pasted in and then now the original content item which the image was uploaded to has been deleted. When the original content item that an attachment was uploaded to is deleted, the attachment is also deleted. You will want to upload the image or file to your article to ensure that it stays with the article for the lifetime of it.
  9. Sure can! Please read the following guide around Custom Profile fields here: If you use the quick registration form, you will also want to take a look at using the full registration form to have custom profile fields show up there or look into profile completion: https://invisioncommunity.com/4guides/member-functions/profile-completion-r312/
  10. As with some of the items on the Support Dashboard, you would only need to use it if you are encountering an issue. If you are not encountering an issue, there are no further measures at this time which you need to worry about.
  11. I understand and appreciate that. However, the fact of the matter is that at this current point in time there is no setting to increase the size of the profile photo. Thus, it would require a customization to make it larger. If you do not want to make a customization, I am happy to move this to our Feature Suggestion forum to suggest for a future release. Here in support, I can only inform you on what is possible today in the software. We are happy to move this either way, please let us know 🙂 .
  12. Sorry, this would require customization of your theme which is outside our scope of support. I can certainly split your post to a new topic in our Theme Assistance forum if you would like?
  13. Sure thing, I have created this for you. Someone will reach out to you as soon as they can 🙂 .
  14. Jim M


    This message is actually coming from your server rather than the software. Please contact your hosting provider and have them disable mod_security. Most likely this is mod_security or another security module on your server which is preventing that software from sending data to the backend code.
  15. Generally, a timeout simply means that the attempted task is taking longer than you have allotted in your server's configuration. This could be it is a rather intensive task, your server is currently overloaded by another task and taking longer to complete, or some other reason. I would advise reaching out to your hosting provider to see if they can investigate why that is. As these tasks are re-indexing and you are running ElasticSearch, you may also want to have your hosting provider review that instance. If you are running ElasticSearch on the same server, this is not advised as it will slow down your server and could be creating issues here. It is also worth noting that you are running an outdated release and upgrading to the latest release would be advised once your hosting provider advises on the above.
  16. Would want to ensure that you moved everything to the forums folder and that the conf_global.php and (if exists) constants.php files are correct. If all is set correctly there, I would advise reaching out to your hosting provider to provide you with the server error log entry for this issue. As an 500 Internal Server Error is a lot like the check engine light on your car. It says something is wrong but not what or where. We would need that error log entry for further info.
  17. Number one thing to check is if your server is compatible with the software. You can use the following compatibility checker script here: If there are any red items, please contact your hosting provider for assistance in installing/configuring these.
  18. In order for this permission to work, Guests would need access to your community. Currently, your third party plugin, WordPress SSO plugin is redirecting them away from your community so you will need to work with the author to get that resolved. (Sorry, third party plugins are outside our scope of support) It may be that you also do not allow Guests to view your community in ACP -> Members -> Groups -> edit your guest group -> ensure "Can access site?" is enabled.
  19. If someone uploads an attachment to your community, the image would come from your URL. Sorry, we only offer the latest release (which is currently 4.6.10). This is due to it is the most stable and secure product available as security releases are bundled in normal releases.
  20. I apologize, this might be something different than the patch mentioned. Could you please ensure that your server is not having issues connecting out to our server? This would be at remoteservices.invisionpower.com
  21. If you had 3 patches to install, that would likely include the patch to fix the error you mentioned. The next item you install should have this error fixed as it would have been included in the patch you installed. I would advise creating a new topic for any other issues you're encountering.
  22. Please note that while sending a PM is fine if you desire, my colleague who you sent it to is in a different time zone and their shift has ended. If you have an issue you want to solve quickly, any questions on your URL, I would recommend posting here. If you want to share sensitive information, like your conf_global.php file, providing us access is generally the best way.
  23. There was a patch to fix the above error. Are you aware if the patch you installed had just 2 items or many items? If the latter, it could be because the issue was present and the patch will now resolve it moving forward.
  24. Do you happen to have what was inserted pre-fix? We can certainly review that to see if anything can be improved on our end.
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