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Jim M

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Release Notes v5





Everything posted by Jim M

  1. Did you fix the issue with forum7 file storage URL? It was a broken SSL certificate which my colleague was getting so that could be a lead for you. I'm afraid, as this is hosting related, you would need to work with your hosting provider to resolve. Once it is resolved, you will want to try to clear cache in ACP -> Support. While the ACP may look odd, it will still work.
  2. You can check your email inbox for any communication from tickets 🙂 . There are no other means to view it.
  3. Sorry, it looks like yours is an issue with a third-party add-on which we will need to help get back online for. This is not related to the outage earlier but a part of us moving our Cloud forward. I have transferred this to a ticket.
  4. Sorry for the inconvenience. There were some issues which were resolved now. Please clear your cache/cookies and try to access again.
  5. Correct. As the files and database are from different versions, you will continue to get this till you upload files from the same version.
  6. Please ensure that your theme is update to date. When switching to an unmodified theme, I am not having any issues searching on your community.
  7. Adminer is just 1 PHP file 🙂 .
  8. As mentioned by @Adriano Faria, the SQL Toolbox has been removed. If you are self-hosted and required access to your database, it is recommended to use another alternative like PHPMyAdmin or Adminer.
  9. Sorry for the inconvenience. There was an issue which we resolved on our Cloud. Please try again. If you're still seeing any errors, please ensure all patches are applied in ACP -> Support.
  10. Sorry for the inconvenience. There was an issue which we resolved on our Cloud. Please try again. If you're still seeing any errors, please ensure all patches are applied in ACP -> Support.
  11. As mentioned by Nathan, have you checked this under another account?
  12. Your files and database are not from the same version thus what you're experiencing would be correct. Please restore the files and database from the same version.
  13. Communities on Cloud which are running 4.7 are encountering some intermittent issues. You can follow updates on the status here: Invision Community | Uptime.com
  14. Please check your file storage configuration as it looks like there are references to a forum7 sub-domain which is providing mixed results. Additionally, I am unable to load your community currently due to a name resolution error.
  15. You would need to complete the upgrade or restore files. I’m afraid, there is no other way.
  16. If you do not have a certificate (or it's expired) on the server and only use CloudFlare's and you disabled CloudFlare, you will indeed have that issue.
  17. Please clear your browser cache and disable CloudFlare. I have seen this error come from CloudFlare sometimes.
  18. Unfortunately, the message in the ACP is simply relaying what PHP has in it so this is not something which we can assist you much with. Your hosting provider would need to investigate PHP and see why these functions are not disabled on your server. Additionally, keep in mind this is simply a recommendation from our end to better your security. It is entirely up to you and hosting provider/server administrator to agree/implement. If you're on shared hosting, many providers will not disable these due to that. If this is something which you want to be a part of your security plan, you may need to change providers to do so if they are unwilling to help.
  19. Have all background tasks completed? There are rebuilds which would process these items.
  20. I would suggest working with your hosting provider to ensure that the changes were applied to the whole server and not just one directory. Also, ensure that you do not have a custom php.ini or .htaccess overwriting their changes.
  21. Sorry, there are no current means at this time. The download database setting here is for being able to move templates and related items between instances, not backing up the Pages Database. In our Cloud, we do have in-depth backups so there would be few cases where you would require your backup outside of personal needs or moving off the platform. However, on request, we can provide you with your data.
  22. Please try again to go to /admin/upgrade . If you have a custom directory name for the ACP, please swap /admin with that.
  23. Please ensure that you restored your files if you are attempting a restore. Currently, the database has not be upgraded. If you're still getting this issue and you restore both files and database. The database restore does not appear to be complete and is missing columns/tables.
  24. Looking in your ACP, it looks like you're using a custom language pack. Are you using that language pack during the conversion? If so, I would switch to an unmodified English language pack as something seems off here.
  25. Could you please provide a link to the topic in question? In simply testing this on my own instance, I am unable to reproduce.
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