I am going to be honest, I have no clue how to do any of that. I was handed the forums and when I moved the domain to WordPress, everything went to hell and the forums stopped being accessible entirely.
The database is hosted on HostRocket, and at first, going to the site.com/forums would just send you to a, "Page Not Found" WP page.
So, created a subdomain (forums.site.com) and have an A DNS through WP to the subdomain with the docroot set to the /domains/site.com/public_html/forums. I also changed the http://www.site.com/forums/ to http://www.forums.site.com in the conf_global.php of the /domains/site.com/public_html/forums which got the forums.site.com to stop redirecting to the site front page on WP, but I am unsure of what else I need to do to get the forums to come back up again.
Any assistance or direction would be appreciated. 🤕