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Everything posted by keysolutns

  1. Huge thanks to everyone for your help.
  2. This was the issue. I think I may be back up and running.
  3. @Randy Calvert thanks for the help. It is on PHP 8.2, my original 7.4 comment was wrong. The monthly updates up until this one have all installed just fine. My site was setup and installed 10+ years ago by someone I hired to do it. He's no longer around to help so I've been managing the site ever since then by myself with my limited knowledge. I've never had to do a manual upgrade in all the years of running the forum. 😟 My site is currently restoring a backup from yesterday. Once that is complete, I'll attempt the manual upgrade.
  4. Running PHP 8.2 I'll add that I got this error upon initiating the upgrade which would also indicate a PHP issue. This is unfortunately way over my head.
  5. I can not access domain.com/admin/upgrade It returns me to the error screen above.
  6. Yes. I did this. Looking to PHP error logs now.
  7. Exactly the same problem on my end. Not able to re-run the upgrade. Having to restore a backup.
  8. So far so good with the 4.52 update except one color issue which I can't seem to find. At the top of the page - the notification area, where can I change the color of the text and icons here. They're so dark against my red themed background. Any idea where this color can be changed?
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