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Posts posted by MadMaddox

  1. On 9/7/2018 at 10:18 PM, Aiwa said:

    The begging and condescending tone, toward IPS, used in these topics is getting quite old. IPS has weighed in briefly on this and still identifies limitations for PWA. And believe me, they read these topics. The core platform has a mobile theme, I use it daily without issue. 

    Is there room for improvement with mobile, sure... But using a tone that comes off as condescending of IPS and demanding for a very specific solution, to a problem for which you may not have the complete picture, comes off as simply an insult, in my opinion, to IPS.

    You want better mobile support for your community? Make it yourself... Create a modified mobile theme tailored toward your community. Take some ownership in solving the problem for yourself rather than for every client that all have differing needs. 

    It also helps to do your research... IPS had a mobile app at one point in the 3.3.x days, it wasn't successful. I can't answer as to why, but there are still Staff posts and IPS Blog posts about it. I created a summary post some months ago with some of the more relevant information about it. 

    Reading everything word for word to this point, this author is "defining" the word "condescending" all by himself.

    People have a right to ask! This board isn't free! The apps we buy arent free! We are paying customers who see the trend for what it is! And we don't want our continued investment to be for naught! If the author has a problem with that logic, then so be it. Enjoy your freedom of thought. But don't call people out for expressing a real want AND need in today's world.

    And luckily, for this author, not everyone IS a programmer, or he would have to find a totally different trade to make money from. So let's lay off the 'jerk' tonic and let people ASK for what they are willing to pay for in peace!

  2. Thank you for the fast reply.

    Not that it's a huge profit, but you'll have me buying this if you do get around to age and genders. That kind of targeting is exactly what I'm hoping for.

    Thank you again.

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