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Mike M.

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Release Notes v5





Everything posted by Mike M.

  1. Hello, our message board has been receiving the "This community is temporarily unavailable" a lot over the last couple months. I assumed the issue was potentially related to diskspace (showing as 22GB right now), and I went through and deleted a bunch of attachment files, pruned some threads, but it didn't seem to do anything to our disk space size. So now I'm not sure what to do in order to resolve this issue. Please help!
  2. Hi, our message board seems to be having the same issue that was previously posted here in October: Can't seem to get it to go away, and clearing our cache hasn't had any effect either. Not sure what to do.
  3. Anyone know of any alternatives to this plugin? Had some users express interest in it and were bummed to find that it was no longer being worked on.
  4. I just left it at the default, all forums and all users are selected.
  5. Using v4.2.6 and plugin 2.1.3 (20006), don't see the plugin showing up anywhere on my board. Checked it using the default theme.
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