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Posts posted by m@t

  1. 52 minutes ago, Adriano Faria said:

    If you set all links_images to '', they don't have an image anymore. But if you go to any link or category view, it should fire the API again to get the thumbs.

    Did you try to use the option to refresh the link thumbnail directly on link view (in the moderator menu)?

    yes i have tried the refresh link thumbnail option too & it shows thumbnail refreshed, but nothing happend - as well tried to open category views & single entries - but nothing happend - only blank links image items, i had this some time ago too with the old api but i thought it is again regarding down problems of sneak - i have no idea why the api connection doesnt grab new thumbs 

    Maybe ips has changed anything in last updates which cause this issue and there is a new bug in core

  2. I have tried now too to disable cloudflare for some time but it does not load any preview thumbnail or looks like the issue is because of cloudflare  .... I have no idea now anymore how to get it working :cry: that the app loads new images with the changed webthumbnail, api seems not to be down 

  3. @Adriano Faria

    a little question - i have now setup cloudflare and this needs only https request to get best performance & security (i had sneak in use which offers only http:// and is in last time very often down) - i changed the api preview service now to webthumbnail and cleared all sneak.pw database entries with

    update links_links set link_image = '' 

    is there anything to do now that the app loads new preview thumbnail from the changed api service ?
    or is there any cron runing in background which is needed ?
    or does it take some hours until it works ?  (especially because of cloudflare use?)  the cleared database images were gone within a second also with cloudflare active))

    Because i have done with visit link or categories as written from you above, tried also with refresh thumbnail refresh but it shows only broken images / blank entries with nothing inside also in database are no new entries at link_image column

    Would be great if you have here any idea to get it with the new api thumbnail service working - thanks in advance

  4. 13 hours ago, Adriano Faria said:

    Their site is back: http://www.sneak.pw/. Try again.

    our assumption was correct - it was a problem from the thumbs api service - i have now nearly all link previews back in the system ;) everything good again

    Regarding the new insert/displayed location information in text - is there a possibility to have it not shown below ?
    or could you add there something in next version that it can be set if shown or not below the map

  5. 2 minutes ago, Adriano Faria said:

    Probably because the images are not being loaded. Test other APIs; take a look on their sites to see if something has changed or if the service is online, etc. Always used default (webtumbnail) and it's fine.

    Did you change the local storage settings? Default is to save the images on your server (uploads folder).

    at all other parts of the system i found no issues until now - i don't know if there is anywhere else APIs used? (i have also tried with webtumbnail, also not working - shows broken images - with sneak i get a loading icon) - for links preview i have Store thumbnails locally disabled, because of law in my country, but this was also before update and i had a look to the pages before i have done the updates (no changes applied) - in ACP system & error logs i found no entries with errors or issues 

  6. curious - before update, i had all previews of the links working and also the loading time was similar with other app pages of ips (all pages are still fast with ips 4.1.14, but when i have a widget from links directory inside or the app itself it is running for minutes, but after it stops, nothing changes) - i have first updated to IPS 4.1.14, second step was update your app to 5.0.3

    i have also tried to use default IPS theme instead of own theme

  7. @Adriano Faria

    thanks for update of the app - is there something changed maybe with link preview pictures ?

    After update all my link previews are gone and not loading anymore :( (sneak.pw is in use - i have also tried to use another - webtumbnail, same result, also with refresh tumb) - ips system is also updated to current 4.1.14

    as well the page is loading very very long at links directory app pages since update to 5.0.3 - page is there but the status icon is runing very long:


  8. @Adriano Faria

    i don't understand this - is there a restriction in your app or the link view page that this is not working ?
    Because in ips pages (i dont use others anymore) or other 3rd party apps it works without any problem (i think it is a ips core feature) with the custom format / display format in fields that you get a better style / design of the fields & their content 

    i don't want to make here big things - just add nice buttons with urls behind to my other apps pages on the homepage (for example i link you Link View with video content or the wiki) as well to show in simple way language flags 

    would be really great to get it working - the rest of your app is very good and i have added a lot of content inside in the meantime


  9. @Adriano Faria

    I have changed the file as mentioned above - the "display format" input box is now there in acp - but when i use it - the link view template in frontend ignores it and shows only that what is in input field without usage of the display format what i have added into the box at acp / extra fields

    for example when you use something very simple:


    no effect :( 

    normally you get  "xxxx"  if the value of {content} = xxxx

    thanks for your feedback ;) 

  10. @Adriano Faria

    yes just the format input field activ with custom fields as in my screen above is perfect .. I create the use with html, php, css codes in connection of the selected field typ by my own then .... Most of the time it is something for design 

    i never used it with topics i had the first ideas at pages with different databases ^_^ 

    i will try it then i have a lot of ideas with link views 

  11. @Adriano Faria

    i use this for different ways, to show buttons for links, to show icons for languages with selection boxes, to show always same infos with just need to select from a box or you can show just with a word in text format a lot of things with google connections or via different api connections 

    i always put into the custom format html codes or little bit php, it is very useful - i learned this with pages there is it activ for default also in other apps - very useful option at custom fields with the format input 

  12. 48 minutes ago, onlyME said:

    You can set smaller font-size of slider

    .sliderTitle h1 {
    	font-size: 14px !important;


    great thanks that work - is there also a chance to get the whole box header also some px smaller/less in height ?  (the green arrow at my picture above) 

  13. 14 minutes ago, onlyME said:

    Turn off showing title. And try this css fix 


    great thanks, this works perfect with margin left addition

     i would like to have a title header, please ;) - how can i decrease the height of the box header as well the font that it is similar to others what i have ?
    Thx in advance  

  14. @onlyME

    Is there any fix value in the blocks ?
    I played with the image width & height but it does not fit into the block 

    How can i change the red & the green margin ? 


    perfect would be to have the silder pics centered with a small margin around only with 2-3 px 

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