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Everything posted by Clover13

  1. Having trouble getting iPhone to recognize a background_color update to the PWA manifest. The apple-touch-startup-image links are correct in the site source code and CDN (correct image and correct background_color), as well as for the dimensions of my model iPhone, but the background of the startup image is not correct on the iPhone when the PWA is started. I've tried wiping the iPhone website data and cache, restarting the device, removing and re-adding the PWA, both Safari and Chrome to Add to Home Screen, but it still seems to be different than the apple-touch-startup-image for the device dimensions. Any ideas? Is there some other cache somewhere that needs to be cleared on my iPhone or is there some other image that is being pulled somehow? Or is background_color being overridden by something else?
  2. Thanks @Nathan Explosion, that's the easiest workaround until/if the templates are made consistent.
  3. Not sure if this belongs here or in feedback, but it seems like there are inconsistencies in block templates' class usage and corresponding CSS that influences the layout (i.e. some center aligned, others left aligned. Assuming there's no way to cleanly update this via AdminCP and will require editing the block code somewhere else? The Events >> Upcoming Events block: <li class="ipsWidget ipsWidget_vertical ipsBox ipsResponsive_block" data-blockid="app_calendar_upcomingEvents_mqeugg6iy" data-blockconfig="true" data-blocktitle="Upcoming Events" data-blockerrormessage="This block cannot be shown. This could be because it needs configuring, is unable to show on this page, or will show after reloading this page." data-controller="core.front.widgets.block"> <h3 class="ipsType_reset ipsWidget_title">Upcoming Events</h3> <div class="ipsWidget_inner"> <div class="ipsType_light ipsPad_half ipsType_center">No upcoming events found</div> </div></li> Versus the System >> Members block named as "Today's Birthdays": <li class="ipsWidget ipsWidget_vertical ipsBox ipsResponsive_block" data-blockid="app_core_members_nzf0mwb8k" data-blockconfig="true" data-blocktitle="Members" data-blockerrormessage="This block cannot be shown. This could be because it needs configuring, is unable to show on this page, or will show after reloading this page." data-controller="core.front.widgets.block"> <h3 class="ipsType_reset ipsWidget_title"> Today&#039;s Birthdays </h3> <div class="ipsWidget_inner ipsPad"> <p class="ipsType_reset">No members to show</p> </div> </li>
  4. I use an Activity Stream as my site(s) main landing page and as such the speed improvement this offers was of interest. I read through the notes and history of IPS relative to this application, but wanted to verify this is still an impactful (i.e. speed gain) for Activity Streams on 4.7.11+?
  5. Actually I forgot this is how browsers work on iPhone. So oddly, the browser supports swipe down refresh but the PWA can't. That alone might be enough for members to not want to use it. Their main gain would be the push notifications and having an "app like" look but not an "app like" feel. I also notice I get push notifications on my iPhone, but when opening the PWA the notifications "hamburger" icon doesn't get updated with a numbered alert notification, which would provoke user interaction to review it. Somewhat of an inconsistency between the push alerts being visible but both the active page (Activity Stream in my case) and notification menu icon/hamburger not being visible/updated. I think that makes it feel awkward. I'll keep tinkering and see how my "new" experience via the PWA adjusts as I get more used to it. I do feel like whenever the PWA gets minimized and reopened it should automatically refresh because that's what you're going to need to do anyway to get the necessary updated context.
  6. Request to add Push notification support to the Raffles (note I renamed mine in language settings to Giveaways) for PWA usage:
  7. Ack that sucks. WTH Apple! 🤣
  8. I added a request to the Feedback forum for this 👍
  9. One thing I notice with PWA implementation that is immediately apparent and differs from a native app, is the lack of a swipe down refresh for the page. I can see it being confusing for members on the PWA but it never gets updated automatically or with a swipe, you rather have to navigate specifically to a link or click the site logo at the top to re-navigate and reload the site. Would be good to add this capability in the future as it will make the PWA behave more native-like.
  10. So I have the AdminCP updated, and the PWA for the site installed on my iPhone. Seems to be working OK so far, but one thing I notice that is immediately apparent and differs from a native app, is the lack of a swipe down refresh. I can see it being confusing that you're on the PWA but it never gets updated automatically or with a swipe, you rather have to navigate specifically to a link or click the site logo at the top to re-navigate and reload the site.
  11. Thanks @SeNioR- and @Jim M. I was just looking for the details of how it was implemented and the respective changes to the user experience. I think the link @SeNioR- provides explains a fair amount. I'll set it up and give it a try to feel things out some more and follow-up with any questions.
  12. I can't seem to find a link to IPS's PWA documentation. Anyone know where it's located?
  13. Spammer: Looks like the spammer was in the SFS database from September 2022. Why did this pass with a score of 1?
  14. Looks like adding the www version made the difference, they embed correctly now.
  15. Hmm ok, yeah I'm not sure how it could work natively other than via permissions maybe. IPS5 is a year or more off, I may have to rework my approach for this as the impact can be significant for some members going from a default of 25 items on the page to only seeing a few. I know they can create custom Activity Streams too, but most aren't willing to go to that extent. Plus a big impedance is Activity Streams require selecting all the forums you want to see versus excluding the ones you don't. With 100 forums and you want to see 95 of them, that's a lot of clicking to set up the stream.
  16. One issue I'm finding is some members want to ignore a number of forums, however this app seems to hide the topics in Activity Stream versus considering them globally ignored for the purpose of retrieving items relevant to the per page setting. For example, if the Activity Stream has 25 items on the initial landing page, and 15 of them are topics in Ignored Forums, then only 10 items will show on the Activity Stream. Is there any way to load a full 25 item Activity Stream of the non-Ignored Forums?
  17. Doesn't appear to have worked, still empty iframes. Maybe a misconfiguration? I added the following: I added the www versions just now, will see if next import embeds correctly or not
  18. Sorry I forgot all about this and noticed it again today when a member registered. There's no log messages for the welcomeAlerts task. Also I'm only using the reply to existing topic configuration. Everything else is disabled.
  19. FWIW, I have the app disabled right now (for other reasons) as I'm assessing alternate approaches for my use case but the main part I was trying to achieve was a "to the top" functionality of having a currently dated reply added to a delayed RSS stream item because when the ingestion is delayed and post date is some time in the past, it will be buried in Activity streams and Forum Topic lists. If the reply has the same date, it will also be buried. However, it all depends on the use case of the reply and it's purpose, if the date is irrelevant this is OK. In my case, the date of the Auto Reply being current was significant to get that "ttt" functionality.
  20. Had no idea that setting even existed! I did a search for iframe in the search bar of ACP but that didn't come up. Thank you for pointing it out! 👍 I added www.facebook.com/plugins/video.php Will give it a go and see what happens on the next import.
  21. I have an RSS Feed Import from Facebook that contains videos embedded in an iframe. What is generated by IPS does not allow for playing the video, but the original iframe does. Note I replaced the Facebook page URL with "somefacebookpage" Original: <iframe src="https://www.facebook.com/plugins/video.php?href=somefacebookpage&amp;width=405&amp;height=720&amp;show_text=false" width="405" height="720" style="border:none;overflow:hidden" scrolling="no" frameborder="0" allow="encrypted-media" allowTransparency="true" allowFullScreen="true"></iframe> What's rendered by IPS after import: <iframe width="405" height="720" style="border:none;" scrolling="no" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen="true"></iframe> I can take the original iframe and replace the IPS generated one via Developer Tools and it works ok.
  22. Requests to add to this: Convert Topic to Event. Members commonly create a topic to discuss a potential event such as a get together before they finalize a date. It would be a huge benefit to be able to elevate a topic to an Event such that the entire topic's conversation can be maintained and carried into the Event comments rather than fragmenting it into two separate discussions (Topic and Event). I try to manage this now and it's a headache with members posting randomly in each. Add support for members to add a +1 (or +N) as sometimes they will RSVP but also want to bring guest(s) that need to be accounted for in the RSVP limit. Currently, I have to continue to monitor every Event and it's comments and then manually adjust the RSVP every time a member RSVPs and comments they are bringing N guests.
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