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Everything posted by Clover13

  1. One potentially large gap is the validation and approval process done by IPS to guarantee the Marketplace developer's app/plugin aligned with IPS standards before it was approved for client download. How will this be managed moving forward?
  2. OK, nevermind, this was one is on me. I must have accidentally moved the files and my FTP client had cached versions showing, so they weren't where they should be. Working through resolving getting things where they need to be.
  3. I'm not going to leave it like this for long if I can resolve it by clearing the cache. Hoping the above information is helpful enough to determine what may be going on or where to look.
  4. So it looks like this came back up, but now on my other site. It's currently happening. Tried two different browsers and Incognito/private modes. I have not cleared the IPS cache yet. These theme files are local to the server, they are not CDNed. FTPing to the server shows these files are indeed where they should be. From Chrome: GET https://www.domainxyz.com/uploads/themes/javascript_tthumb/front_front_tthumb.js?v=066306acec1691876423 net::ERR_ABORTED 404 www.domainxyz.com/:3224 GET https://www.domainxyz.com/uploads/themes/javascript_global/root_js_lang_1.js?v=066306acec1691876423 net::ERR_ABORTED 404 www.domainxyz.com/:3226 GET https://www.domainxyz.com/uploads/themes/javascript_core/global_global_core.js?v=066306acec1691876423 net::ERR_ABORTED 404 www.domainxyz.com/:3223 GET https://www.domainxyz.com/uploads/themes/javascript_global/root_library.js?v=066306acec1691876423 net::ERR_ABORTED 404 www.domainxyz.com/:3228 GET https://www.domainxyz.com/uploads/themes/javascript_global/root_front.js?v=066306acec1691876423 net::ERR_ABORTED 404 www.domainxyz.com/:3235 GET https://www.domainxyz.com/uploads/themes/javascript_core/front_app.js?v=066306acec1691876423 net::ERR_ABORTED 404 www.domainxyz.com/:3225 GET https://www.domainxyz.com/uploads/themes/javascript_global/root_framework.js?v=066306acec1691876423 net::ERR_ABORTED 404 www.domainxyz.com/:3232 GET https://www.domainxyz.com/uploads/themes/javascript_core/front_front_statuses.js?v=066306acec1691876423 net::ERR_ABORTED 404 www.domainxyz.com/:3237 GET https://www.domainxyz.com/uploads/themes/javascript_rsvpevents/front_front_widget.js?v=066306acec1691876423 net::ERR_ABORTED 404 www.domainxyz.com/:3231 GET https://www.domainxyz.com/uploads/themes/javascript_core/front_front_streams.js?v=066306acec1691876423 net::ERR_ABORTED 404 www.domainxyz.com/:3230 GET https://www.domainxyz.com/uploads/themes/javascript_core/front_front_widgets.js?v=066306acec1691876423 net::ERR_ABORTED 404 www.domainxyz.com/:3229 GET https://www.domainxyz.com/uploads/themes/javascript_core/front_front_core.js?v=066306acec1691876423 net::ERR_ABORTED 404 jquery-ui.js?v=066306acec1691876423:4 Uncaught ReferenceError: jQuery is not defined at jquery-ui.js?v=066306acec1691876423:4:157 at jquery-ui.js?v=066306acec1691876423:4:165 (anonymous) @ jquery-ui.js?v=066306acec1691876423:4 (anonymous) @ jquery-ui.js?v=066306acec1691876423:4 jquery-touchpunch.js?v=066306acec1691876423:10 Uncaught ReferenceError: jQuery is not defined at jquery-touchpunch.js?v=066306acec1691876423:10:1155 (anonymous) @ jquery-touchpunch.js?v=066306acec1691876423:10 (index):3240 Uncaught ReferenceError: ips is not defined at (index):3240:4 (anonymous) @ (index):3240 From the Safari console: [Error] Failed to load resource: the server responded with a status of 404 (Not Found) (root_library.js, line 0) [Error] Failed to load resource: the server responded with a status of 404 (Not Found) (front_front_core.js, line 0) [Error] Failed to load resource: the server responded with a status of 404 (Not Found) (front_front_tthumb.js, line 0) [Error] Failed to load resource: the server responded with a status of 404 (Not Found) (global_global_core.js, line 0) [Error] Failed to load resource: the server responded with a status of 404 (Not Found) (root_js_lang_1.js, line 0) [Error] Failed to load resource: the server responded with a status of 404 (Not Found) (root_front.js, line 0) [Error] Failed to load resource: the server responded with a status of 404 (Not Found) (front_app.js, line 0) [Error] Failed to load resource: the server responded with a status of 404 (Not Found) (front_front_statuses.js, line 0) [Error] Failed to load resource: the server responded with a status of 404 (Not Found) (root_framework.js, line 0) [Error] Failed to load resource: the server responded with a status of 404 (Not Found) (front_front_streams.js, line 0) [Error] ReferenceError: Can't find variable: jQuery (anonymous function) (jquery-ui.js:4:164) Global Code (jquery-ui.js:4:166) [Error] ReferenceError: Can't find variable: jQuery Global Code (jquery-touchpunch.js:10:1162) [Error] ReferenceError: Can't find variable: ips Global Code (www.domainxyz.com:2659)
  5. Does this apply to cloud only or to self hosted as well?
  6. Anyone here happen to do a bulk image optimization on S3 to reduce file sizing and maintain quality? If so, what was your approach and was there anything that needed to be updated on IPS to account for this change, or did you strictly run it against S3? Worth asking too, what is your preferred Image Settings here on IPS? GD vs Imagemagick and what level of quality setting(s)?
  7. Just to be clear, it only happened on 1 site despite both being on the same host server. That is what lead me to believe it was software sided rather than server sided. If it had been both sites, I would have thought server related. However, it could have been something between the server and clients for that one site that was a problem. Agree, my sense was something became corrupted and stuck as a result. Clearing the IPS cache seemed to resolve it, just no idea how it got in that state initially for all users and only for one of the sites. The other aspect just recalled that is unique to this site, is that it is CDNing the Theme Resources (File Storage). I wonder if something with CF got messed up that caused it, although I did not clear the CF cache at all, only the IPS cache. I am not sure what that operation does exactly, so I can't comment on what it clears and the corresponding repopulation of the cache. How exactly does the IPS cache clearing work with File Storage such as Theme Resources that are on a CDN (such as CF)? I will keep an eye on things and let you guys know if it happens again so you can review. Given the time of discovery (9PM EDT) and 12 hour outage, I was just working on getting the site back to operational at that point.
  8. 4.7.12 I run two sites on the same server that are nearly identical installs, both of which I've had my host evaluate for errors/issues during this period of unresponsiveness. Neither site indicated any issues at the host level (i.e. errors, resource issues, etc). There were no recent updates to either site that I feel would have influenced this behavior. Only one site had issues with unresponsiveness described below. No alerts were received. The unresponsiveness period was nearly 12 hours (I was away from cell reception and had no idea the site was in this state until I returned to find no activity since users couldn't post). Symptoms observed: All users experienced the same symptoms, so it wasn't isolated to one device or one set of devices. It was definitively a site related issue. Main site would load and present the landing page (activity stream) Main site buttons wouldn't work Main site menu wouldn't open Admin CP would load and present the landing page (had to manually type in URL since main site menu wouldn't open) Admin CP menu would not open Admin CP Support page would open but all of the checks would just show the status check spinning indefinitely Fix: I was able to clear the cache with the link on the AdminCP Support page and that seemed to resolve the issue. Simple fix, but I still have no idea what happened or why. I don't see any errors in the IPS error or system logs pointing to any issues at this time. Anyone have any ideas or experienced something similar before? I've never seen this occur before, and I've been using IPS for 10+ years now.
  9. OK so I observe the following with all custom applications and plugins disabled and using the default theme: All Activity Expanded view shows the hidden topic All Activity Condensed view does NOT show the hidden topic Custom Stream Expanded view does NOT show the hidden topic Custom Stream Condensed view does NOT show the hidden topic I would say next steps are for you to verify you can see it in All Activity Expanded and Condensed? FWIW, this is an admin account I am testing with and I can see the hidden topic in the forum itself and access it.
  10. Appears to show in Expanded view but not Condensed for me, can you try in Condensed? I also tried with the default theme and all applications and plugins disabled, but see the same behavior. Strange it did show in Expanded for a few refreshes and is gone again. I'll keep investigating.
  11. 4.7.12 You can reproduce by creating a topic and marking it as hidden upon creation.
  12. Found an issue where using the add-on to select an attached image as the Embed Image and then later deleting the image results in the topic displaying duplicate original post and comments (OP and comments, then OP and comments again). The breadcrumbs also indicate a problem of duplication in the pathing. See:
  13. Good call. It was due to using Adriano's Embed add-on for setting the og:image, where I chose an image and then later removed it. I'll let him know about this use case so he can troubleshoot. @Adriano Faria
  14. Weird situation. I setup two topics today, which initially presented correctly but are both now showing entire content duplication sequentially (i.e. posts entire topic and comments and then posts entire topic and comments again). Please PM me to review, I'll provide the links. I also created similar topics in the same forum today and they seem to display correctly. Breadcrumbs show something like: Home > Forums > Subforum A > Subforum B > Topic Name + Subforum A > Subforum B > Topic Name Tried to clear out cache but issue remains.
  15. v5!!! Time traveler!!! He could at least give us insight into what else is in there! 🤣
  16. Regardless of the percentage that is actual or perceived (unless it's 0% being lost), the questions still remain. They are important questions from both a client and Marketplace developer perspective. What is the roadmap of the IPS suite and developer toolkit relative to these questions? IPS is developing the suite, the Marketplace devs are just adopting it with whatever tooling they are provided by IPS. IPS knows whether Marketplace devs will be able to achieve the same things (even if it is in a different way/method).
  17. So regarding this assumed 80% of plugins being lost, the main questions I have are: Can similar results (i.e. a client wants X added/enhanced to any part of the suite) be achieved with whatever IPS is developing for v5? Maybe in a different way, but the same end result/solution for a client? If so, will the solutions be Marketplace sellable assets for developers? If not, how does IPS plan on addressing this clear gap in providing functionality to clients that Marketplace devs previously filled in v4? I can't imagine IPS removing the ability for devs to enhance the IPS suite in ways that IPS isn't willing to invest in doing themselves. That would be detrimental to all parties involved. And history (per the number of Marketplace assets) shows there are A LOT of assets/resources clients want and use that aren't part of the suite.
  18. Clover13 replied to Michael.J's post in a topic in Marketplace
    Thanks. I'll set up the same and try it.
  19. Clover13 replied to Michael.J's post in a topic in Marketplace
    Can you share your settings and IPS version? I haven't been able to get it to work replying to an existing topic.
  20. For any other clients that come across this, the issue has been reproduced by IPS, is being reviewed further and hopefully fixed in an upcoming release 👍 The key difference is how the images are embedded in a Topic. If you click the "Insert" link on the attachment thumbnails, it will limit it to 1200px. If you let them auto-embed, then they will reflect your configured settings.
  21. I actually made a mistake on the prior solution and must have been seeing a cached version of my previous solution. My use case is the same, but the titling is still duplicated. This makes sense as it's embedded with the code, there is no {$title} override from anything parameterized so it will always be taken from the Language setting. As such, I can't find a way to have multiple Page Blocks fed from the Page Plugin for Upcoming Events and title them differently without customizing the IPS Plugin Content tab template. Further, I need to manually add any enrichment hook code to that customize template as it will not automatically be added by the IPS system despite being a code hook to that app. @Jim M are you aware of a way to create multiple Page Blocks from the Page Plugin for Upcoming Events without customizing the Page Plugin Content tab template and achieving the following: A unique title (i.e. multiple Calendars, so want the title to reflect the Calendar purpose) for the corresponding Page Block used for display. Including any code that was added as a code hook enhancement for the Events/Calendar app via a Marketplace app.
  22. FWIW, I found the main issue in my implementation. I was using a global Pages Block that calls many other Pages Blocks and Pages Plugins. In this way, the Upcoming Events Pages Plugin "as-is" template is called with the default Language titling. If I instead wrap that Pages Plugin in another Pages Block of it's own, and then embed that new Pages Block within my global Pages Block (instead of using a Pages Plugin referenced embed directly), the title of the child Pages Block is used and the hook code is added as it should be.
  23. To give more details of the use case, I am using Adriano's Calendar Enhancements, which has a countdown timer hook for Events. I have two calendars and want to create two sidebar blocks (one for each calendar). This does work for the "as-is" templating with the exception of the titling being taken from Language settings (i.e. the same title for both blocks as Upcoming Events) rather than the Block configured title. Once I go to edit the "as-is" template as a custom base template so I can edit the title of the second block, I then lose the countdown timer hook from being added to it.
  24. I'm using an app that has a hook to an official app template to enrich the template with more code for its features. I am not seeing these hook code additions/features included the corresponding Plugin block's template referencing the same app template (i.e. Template = default template, use template as-is), should they not be? If not, is there a way to get them included if the default template?