Everything posted by Clover13
Subscription editing issue
OK it's been updated with the member info and other details in the Client Area for the site. Elevated your account to Admin as well.
Subscription editing issue
I did a lot to be honest. I was trying to remediate the expiration date and tried a bunch of different things to try and achieve it. At one point there were two different subscriptions for the same member and I Transferred it to combine them. At this point, the "start date" of the most recent renewal is wrong but the expiration date is correct. However, I am not sure what will happen when it expires. Hopefully a subsequent renewal is sent and from there forward everything works correctly. I just have no idea how the "magnifying glass" option at the far right of the subscribers list row item comes back.
Subscription editing issue
I found a way to edit the expiration via a Renewal invoice. So Expires date/time is correct, however I have no magnifying glass for this member.
Subscription editing issue
I have a member who's active subscription has no ability to edit/manage it (there's no magnifying glass at the end of his record). I've tried cancelling his active subscription and re-adding the subscription but it seems to just extend the timeframe and not allow me to edit it to set an expiration. Any idea how to fix this?
Is there a Modification that has been created for this scenario?
It sounds like you want to allow your members to see the history of deleted topics (which in your case are just moved topics). So it's a matter of managing permissions. Maybe a forum where your members only have view permissions and a forum specific announcement at the top with details you want to highlight about the forum itself such as what you explained? You can also just populate the forum description with the same explanation instead of the announcement (if you don't want the color and "eye grab" factor).
Add Venmo Payment Option
Any update on this? Just had a request for accepting Venmo for subscriptions. Would prefer to do it through the site versus handling outside of it and manually managing the expirations.
Timezone spam rule?
There were some recent topics on the spam issue, a number of people getting hit with waves. @Arthmoor's recommendation is the best one I've seen so far.
Spam attack today
@cmer and @olyclimber what were you set on when you got hit? Auto or Difficult?
AI driven spam service
My only concern with this is would be anything AI driven (and the required services it depends on) may be cloud driven and then make this a cloud-only option for clients. Self hosted also need a suitable solution.
Spam attack today
@2dub I'm on a 2+ week span. Two waves with a large number, once I put it back to admin approval on accounts it slowed down, then it seems like a few feeler registrations come in and if it's back on auto approval via email verification another wave hits. My sense is this bulk of emails being used need to be flagged so they get added to the pool and detected on other sites. Seems like this recent attack has all new emails, not currently known ones.
Spam attack today
Yeah that's the same I got hit with and flagged as spammers. Some of the same emails. Ironically, shortly ago (with hCaptcha) I had a spammer join two of my sites with the same email within minutes of each other, but chose two different usernames. On one site, they posted a couple times trying to act like they were interested (maybe a bot even). But profile location in Texas, IP in Wisconsin and timezone in New York it was pretty clear they were trying to get by the post limit to access PMs and spam there IMHO.
Spam attack today
It happened to me recently too. I switched from reCAPTCHA V2 to hCaptcha. So far, so good. I can't tell if they are actually humans or not however, but they are/were getting through the effective human registration process/steps with non-spam registered emails.
IOS photos are uploaded upside down
IOS photos are uploaded upside down
Sorry to bump an old topic but members running into this. Images flipped 180 degrees. IPS 4.7.10 BrowserSafari 15.6.1 on iPhone Mozilla/5.0 (iPhone; CPU iPhone OS 15_6_1 like Mac OS X) AppleWebKit/605.1.15 (KHTML, like Gecko) Version/15.6.1 Mobile/15E148 Safari/604.1
RSS Feed Import to Forum Topic not attaching images
Thanks Jim, appreciate that as I'm not overly familiar with RSS! I misunderstood the enclosure part and read it as a literally enclosure of (i.e. enclosed within) the channel element 🙂
RSS Feed Import to Forum Topic not attaching images
Just to clarify, the IPS impl requires the optional image sub-element of channel to be populated in order to import the images per the setting I screenshot, rather than a feed provider using their own (generally yahoo) media namespace?
RSS Feed Import to Forum Topic not attaching images
OK I'm going to explore an alternative right now, will see how that does. Thanks Marc!
RSS Feed Import to Forum Topic not attaching images
Hi Marc, I PMed you the details. Thanks!
RSS Feed Import to Forum Topic timestamp update
It's really on the third party feed rendering side, nothing that is IPS' issue. My use case is that the sources I'm pulling data from post to both Facebook and their own website, however they post much more often and richer (more images, video, etc) posts to Facebook than their own websites. So my approach was to generate an RSS Feed from their Facebook Page. It works, however Facebook has poll throttling and there are delays in getting that data and making it available to IPS. Generally by the time it's available via RSS to consume by IPS, it's 12+ hours later, and it appears with that data/timestamp and is buried pages below on our frontpage of current posts and never gets seen by members. Plus the information is important to be available within a couple hours of being posted as my members base decisions off the information, 12 hours later it's far less relevant. However, as a helper, I can create a sidebar topic block or page block that can populate from the sources of that data within IPS so it at least isolates it for consumption by viewers. I'll keep experimenting.
Control of homepage menu system
You can also manage permissions on each menu item rather than just deleting them. This way it's easier to restore anything you'd be interested in later although it's not difficult to just recreate them later.
RSS Feed Import to Forum Topic not attaching images
I have image handling set to import as attachments but it seems to link to the remote instead instead.
RSS Feed Import to Forum Topic timestamp update
I'm running a few third party RSS imports from non-RSS sources which results in a publishing delay. As such they are posted but never appear on an activity stream first page because they are buried by the time they are posted with their actual time stamps. Is there any way to override the posted time or any other solution to automatically bump an RSS fed forum topic when IPS ingests it?
I've been getting hit pretty hard the last couple weeks on one of my sites. I have two sites on the same host with the same setup, yet only one is getting hit. The spammers are either pretty good multi-step bots or human, as they have to get through email validation and then post to get access to PMs. But their posts are garbage airline ads, so they quickly get banned. It's bad enough I've had to put admin approval on accounts for now.
Can you embed instagram videos?
Last I tried Instagram videos would embed but Facebook videos wouldn't. As of March 2023, the devs were still looking into the issue:
Google Maps - Places API errors
Alright I figured it out. The main issue is that it is a multi-field form in Events for example and other places where the same style form is used (i.e. marketplace apps). The required part is first selecting a country versus going directly into the address line and starting to type. If I do not select a country, I get the error include above. You can see in that screenshot where country just say's "Country". Once I select "United States", I can then type in the Address line and it will start to auto suggest for selection. However once I select something, I still sometimes get that same Google error with the same error message but the auto suggestion does appear to work. Once I select the correct address, it will fill in the rest of the form and allow me to submit it. After that, the map displays as it should. I'm guessing the times it worked before, either I selected the country and didn't realize that was part of the issue or it was already populated with United States (which does happen in a Marketplace application I use).