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Posts posted by icedream

  1. Hello,

    I am confused what the relations is between webapp and www-data. Could you please explain more? Thanks.

    On the other hands, I have got the permission denied issue, and cannot figure it out for long time,could you please help me this?

    To debug, I run

    # sudo -u nginx stat /datadrive/http/abc.com/root/
    stat: cannot stat ‘/datadrive/http/abc.com/root/’: Permission denied

    So I double check permission on /datadrive/http/abc.com/root

    # ll /datadrive/http/abc.com/
    total 12
    drwxr-x---  9 webapp webapp 4096 Feb 15  2016 demo
    drwxr-x---+ 5 webapp webapp 4096 Sep 16 22:58 root

    # getfacl /datadrive/http/abc.com/root
    getfacl: Removing leading '/' from absolute path names
    # file: datadrive/http/abc.com/root
    # owner: webapp
    # group: webapp

    # vim /etc/group

    Everything seems correct, do you know what is wrong? Thanks.


    I am confused what the relations is between webapp and www-data. Could you please explain more? Thanks.

    On the other hands, I have got the permission denied issue, and cannot figure it out for long time,could you please help me this?

    To debug, I run

    # sudo -u nginx stat /datadrive/http/abc.com/root/
    stat: cannot stat ‘/datadrive/http/abc.com/root/’: Permission denied

    So I double check permission on /datadrive/http/abc.com/root

    # ll /datadrive/http/abc.com/
    total 12
    drwxr-x---  9 webapp webapp 4096 Feb 15  2016 demo
    drwxr-x---+ 5 webapp webapp 4096 Sep 16 22:58 root

    # getfacl /datadrive/http/abc.com/root
    getfacl: Removing leading '/' from absolute path names
    # file: datadrive/http/abc.com/root
    # owner: webapp
    # group: webapp

    # vim /etc/group

    Everything seems correct, do you know what is wrong? Thanks.

  2. Vote for the points system.

    Feature request, actually most of them are something I have from other software:

    Limit points per period.
    A global page listing what activity to add points and what activity to delete points.
    Set group promotion when people reach x point.
    Global points ranking list, and each member can decide if they want to show themselves in the list.
    For each post, if the points are manually added by members, display a points history.

    Integrate with Commerce, like how many points per order and per dollars, ex: if customer pay $10, they will get additional 1 points.
    Integrate with Downloads, like how many points per upload/downloads/bandwith.
    Integrate with attachment system, like how many points per upload/downloads.

  3. Hi, I cannot view index page now, with error

    Fri, 27 Nov 2015 11:50:08 +0800 (Severity: 0) - https://xxxxxxxxx.com/donate/
    'ips.donate_users.id' isn't in GROUP BY
    SELECT id, SUM(amount) AS total_amount FROM `donate_users` WHERE status=? AND anon=? GROUP BY `member_id` ORDER BY total_amount DESC LIMIT 5
        [0] => 1
        [1] => 0
     | File                                                                       | Function                                                                      | Line No.          |
     | /system/Db/Db.php                                                          | [IPS\Db\_Exception].__construct                                               | 364               |
     | /system/Db/Select.php                                                      | [IPS\_Db].preparedQuery                                                       | 334               |
     | /system/Db/Select.php                                                      | [IPS\Db\_Select].runQuery                                                     | 390               |
     | /applications/donate/widgets/donateDonations.php                           | [IPS\Db\_Select].rewind                                                       | 130               |
     | /system/Widget/Widget.php                                                  | [IPS\donate\widgets\_donateDonations].render                                  | 793               |
     | /system/Theme/Theme.php(692) : eval()'d code                               | [IPS\_Widget].__toString                                                      | 11523             |
     |                                                                            | [IPS\Theme\class_core_front_global].widgetContainer                           |                   |
     | /system/Theme/SandboxedTemplate.php                                        | [].call_user_func_array                                                       | 57                |
     | /system/Theme/Theme.php(692) : eval()'d code                               | [IPS\Theme\_SandboxedTemplate].__call                                         | 9464              |
     | /system/Theme/Theme.php(692) : eval()'d code                               | [IPS\Theme\SandboxedTemplate].widgetContainer                                 | 9464              |
     |                                                                            | [IPS\Theme\class_core_front_global].sidebar                                   |                   |
     | /system/Theme/SandboxedTemplate.php                                        | [].call_user_func_array                                                       | 57                |
     | /system/Theme/Theme.php(692) : eval()'d code                               | [IPS\Theme\_SandboxedTemplate].__call                                         | 4543              |
     | /system/Theme/Theme.php(692) : eval()'d code                               | [IPS\Theme\SandboxedTemplate].sidebar                                         | 4543              |
     |                                                                            | [IPS\Theme\class_core_front_global].globalTemplate                            |                   |
     | /system/Theme/SandboxedTemplate.php                                        | [].call_user_func_array                                                       | 57                |
     | /system/Dispatcher/Dispatcher.php                                          | [IPS\Theme\_SandboxedTemplate].__call                                         | 149               |
     | /system/Dispatcher/Dispatcher.php                                          | [IPS\Theme\SandboxedTemplate].globalTemplate                                  | 149               |
     | /system/Dispatcher/Standard.php                                            | [IPS\_Dispatcher].finish                                                      | 101               |
     | /system/Dispatcher/Front.php                                               | [IPS\Dispatcher\_Standard].finish                                             | 520               |
     | /system/Dispatcher/Dispatcher.php                                          | [IPS\Dispatcher\_Front].finish                                                | 131               |
     | /index.php                                                                 | [IPS\_Dispatcher].run                                                         | 13                |


  4. Hi

    When using MySQL strict mode, query SELECT SUM(fees) FROM `donate_users` WHERE donate_users.status=1 AND donate_goals.g_show=1 will throw an error: Unknown column 'donate_goals.g_show' in 'where clause'. There is a bug with donateStats widget.

    Also, top donator widget is returning wrong information.


  5. 45 minutes ago, Ryan H. said:

    Even if that was added, it wouldn't work the way you probably hope. All prefix and tag links go to search result pages; they don't filter a forum inline.

    I remember Providers Page can achieve this feature, though it is builted with Page, can we modify Core or Forum to do this similar feature?

  6. 1 minute ago, onlyME said:

    Clicking on the thumbnails in forums list you will see a popup to change thumbnail.


    Yes, it took me quite long time to find this...silly me. :p 

    So we can only change topic thumbnail after we submitting the topic, right? I thought we could define topic thumbnail when writing the topic. :)  Might you add this feature in future release?

  7. Hi

    Does Videobox support oembed? Like IPS is dealing with Download Files or Gallery Image, will the pasted link be embeded?

  8. 5 minutes ago, Mike John said:

    I'll include a setting to hide this, doesn't look like it's possible to hide individual hooks like before.

    No, I like the feature that you add a badge for donators.

    The issue is that my donation is not approved, however I am marked as donators.

  9. 26 minutes ago, Mike John said:

    1. That's intended as typically offline donations need to approved if going to be made by cheque or any other offline method.

    2. What type of ipn transaction was this? I'll see about an exclusion for other payments sent through ipn.

    I'm not aware of any conflicts so far with Commerce, at least nothing has been reported yet.

    1. Yes, but it is unapproved in the donations logs, and I don't want to mark it as approved as I haven't got the payment. How can I remove the donators badgets?

    2. Array ( [transaction_subject] => [txn_type] => send_money [payment_date] => 09:35:07 Oct 01, 2015 PDT [last_name] => xxx [residence_country] => GB [payment_gross] => xxx [mc_currency] => USD [business] => xxx [payment_type] => instant [protection_eligibility] => Ineligible [verify_sign] => xxxxxx [payer_status] => verified [payer_email] => xxx [txn_id] => xxxx [receiver_email] => xxx [first_name] => xxx [payer_id] => xxx [receiver_id] => xxx [payer_business_name] => xxx [payment_status] => Completed [mc_gross] => xxx [charset] => gb2312 [notify_version] => 3.8 [ipn_track_id] => cc546d8b62e2e )

  10. Hi,

    I have found 2 new bugs:

    1. I just did a offline donate to test the feature...after I donate, I am marked as donators, but the donate marked as unapproved in the payment logs.

    2. I have configured Paypal IPN, I guess it works pretty well...But yesterday, someone paid me via Paypal, and after that I found that payment is listed in the payment logs. Actually that payment is not related to the donations app at all, and I think this should not be in the payment log.

    And what if I have Commerce App installed? May donators conflict with Commerce?

  11. On ‎2015‎年‎9‎月‎24‎日‎, Mike John said:

    Can you temporarily revert those translations and see if the next donation goes through? If that is the cause, I've got a patch I've been working on that should offer a solution here.

    Yes, I have reverted string, such as forum_donation, anonymous and anonymous_amount, now it works pretty well.

  12. 1 hour ago, Mike John said:

    I've logged a bug report so this can be included. Probably not in an immediate version but in the near future.

    What settings/option did you enter Chinese values into?

    Not any, I guess that some strings are translated into Chinese. Annoymous and Annoymous donate.

  13. I just find a secure bug, as paypal throws exception:

    Data does not match input character set or default encoding. For more information, please contact the merchant.

    I am using Chinese translation, so looks like the data posted are not encoded correctly?

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