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Posts posted by Umar205523

  1. Hello,

    My current webhost hasn't upgraded php version and I am stuck with php 7.4. As a result, unfortunately, I haven't been able to upgrade my Invision board for an year now.

    I have decide to buy hosting from a new host and move. Can someone guide me how transfer my files and database to new webhost? I still will have domain name with the current web host for one more year.

    Thank you in advance.


  2. Hello Everyone,

    I recently upgraded my phone and lost my log in of google authenticator app. Now when I go to my admin CP, it asks me for google authenticator code, which I don't have and I have tried selecting the option, "Get verified using another method" and then "Get an email to recover access", but the email never comes.

    Does any one know how to  fix this as I am locked out of my admin CP.






  3. Hi,

    I logged in to my community AdminCP and received the notification (see attached image) the server doesn’t meet recommendations that InnoDB Tables are using compact row format.

    I have self hosted forums. I contacted my hosting and asked them to change InnoDB Tables to use dynamic and they said this is only possible under a dedicated hosting plan which is out of my budget. My site is 8 years old and I always had IP Forums with no problems.

    Given the situation, I would like to request that please don’t make this requirement mandatory or customers like myself will have no option other than to migrate to other platforms.  I am very sad right now. I don’t want to move from IP but this message is something that I can’t do anything. My hosting is with FatCow.




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