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Black Six

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Posts posted by Black Six

  1. On 4/19/2022 at 3:42 AM, Marc Stridgen said:

    The order in which you do this should also be

    1. Move the site files
    2. Update your conf_global.php and constants.php
    3. Make any changes to custom URLs you have set in file storage settings (if you are unsure, its unlikely you have any)
    4. Change your licensed URL (go to your client area, select your license, then 'change URL')
    5. Do your redirects

    Its important the redirects are done last, otherwise you will have problems changing the URL on your license

    I performed all of the steps and things 'look' good, they load, I can get to the ACP, etc. But when I try to log in I get redirected to the /login directory, which doesn't exist. I checked a backup I made before moving everything, and that directory did not exist before.

  2. I'm looking to move my installation of the Invision suite from the /board directory on my server to the root directory, making it replace the main page of my website. What do I need to watch out for to ensure this goes as smoothly as possible? I assume I'd need to update the conf_global.php and possibly the constants.php files. Would setting up a 301 redirect work for redirecting all link to the old location to the new location?


  3. I have a recommendation in my ACP saying the following:

    Your database is currently configured to use single-byte UTF-8 Encoding. Some non-common symbols (such as historical scripts, music symbols and Emoji) require 4-Byte UTF-8 Encoding. If you want users to be able to post these symbols, your database needs to be converted.

    Based on my past experience, running these sorts of SQL updates through the ACP almost always times out and ends up incomplete. Is there a way to get the SQL commands needed to do this conversion so I can do it via SSH or PHPMyAdmin?


  4. 6 hours ago, Marc Stridgen said:

    To clarify here, this is actually related to missing tables, which was very likely caused by the disk space. While your database is larger than it should be, it would not directly cause issues on your site. We have sites using the software with much much larger sets of data.

    I highly doubt the missing tables were caused by disk space. I had been actively working earlier this year to clean up my server to ensure I had plenty of available disk space (see this topic). Based on the reply there, I didn't really touch anything on my forums other than the 'orig' tables that Jim mentioned and instead focused on other parts of my site. The server ran out of disk space because after this problem started I was having issues restoring the missing tables from backups so my hosting provider made a copy of the entire database as a troubleshooting step, which allowed us to restore some of the tables. Thankfully Dan has been super helpful in getting the other tables recreated so the site can get up and running again.

  5. 7 minutes ago, Marc Stridgen said:

    I see the issue there appears to have been related to disk space. My colleague is working with you to resolve some related issues, but it would be advisable to ensure you monitor your disk space and ensure you have the space to expand when needed. Of course if this is something you would rather us take care of, we do have a cloud solution which may be easier for you to manage. Feel free to let us know if thats something you may be interested in.

    Nope, nothing related to disk space directly. That's just the problem when your database is large and you're asked to make copies and backups of it while troubleshooting. Appreciate your reply and I hope Dan can get my site working after two weeks of downtime!

  6. 10 minutes ago, Adriano Faria said:

    This usually leaves an entry in the logs. Have you checked?

    If you mean the error_log file in my forum's install directory, I see this error a whole bunch, with only one entry being from today:


    [17-Feb-2022 22:04:23 UTC] PHP Fatal error:  require(): Failed opening required '/home/bzpower/public_html/board/datastore/acpNotifications.efd9349778.php' (include_path='.:/opt/cpanel/ea-php74/root/usr/share/pear') in /home/bzpower/public_html/board/system/Data/Store/FileSystem.php on line 105
    [18-Feb-2022 11:53:29 UTC] PHP Fatal error:  require(): Failed opening required '/home/bzpower/public_html/board/datastore/acpNotifications.efd9349778.php' (include_path='.:/opt/cpanel/ea-php74/root/usr/share/pear') in /home/bzpower/public_html/board/system/Data/Store/FileSystem.php on line 105

    If there's another place I should look, please let me know. Thanks!

  7. 2 hours ago, Marc Stridgen said:

    Please try using recovery mode in order to regain access to the admin CP. You can then take a look at the error message being logged in your system logs

    Unfortunately that doesn't seem to have helped. I updated the constants.php file:


    But when I log into the ACP I still see this:


    [[Template core/admin/global/globalTemplate is throwing an error. This theme may be out of date. Run the support tool in the AdminCP to restore the default theme.]]


  8. After working with my hosting provider to resolve a recent error, I'm now seeing the following when I try to view a subforum on my site:

    [[Template forums/front/forums/forumDisplay is throwing an error. This theme may be out of date. Run the support tool in the AdminCP to restore the default theme.]]

    Unfortunately, when I try to login to my ACP, I see the exact same error.

  9. I was logged into my ACP earlier and saw a notice that there were issues with my database. After clicking the 'Fix this' button and waiting for a while, my forums stopped loading properly, as you can see here.

    When I'm logged in as an admin, I can see the following error on the forums:


    INSERT INTO `ibf_core_members_known_ip_addresses` ( `device_key`, `member_id`, `ip_address`, `last_seen` ) VALUES ( '8a02365f7168b890cc2f01d42af112e3', 250, '', 1644877408 ) ON DUPLICATE KEY UPDATE `device_key`=VALUES(`device_key`), `member_id`=VALUES(`member_id`), `ip_address`=VALUES(`ip_address`), `last_seen`=VALUES(`last_seen`)
    IPS\Db\Exception: Table 'bzpower_databasenew.ibf_core_members_known_ip_addresses' doesn't exist (1146)
    #0 /home/bzpower/public_html/board/system/Db/Db.php(938): IPS\_Db->preparedQuery('/*bzpower_datab...', Array)
    #1 /home/bzpower/public_html/board/system/Member/Device.php(218): IPS\_Db->insert('core_members_kn...', Array, true)
    #2 /home/bzpower/public_html/board/system/Member/Device.php(180): IPS\Member\_Device->logIpAddress('')
    #3 /home/bzpower/public_html/board/system/Session/Front.php(228): IPS\Member\_Device->updateAfterAuthentication(true, NULL, false)
    #4 [internal function]: IPS\Session\_Front->read('3c0357e968d01c1...')
    #5 /home/bzpower/public_html/board/system/Session/Session.php(94): session_start()
    #6 /home/bzpower/public_html/board/system/Theme/Theme.php(412): IPS\_Session::i()
    #7 /home/bzpower/public_html/board/system/Theme/Theme.php(307): IPS\_Theme::currentThemeId()
    #8 /home/bzpower/public_html/board/system/Dispatcher/Standard.php(54): IPS\_Theme::i()
    #9 /home/bzpower/public_html/board/system/Dispatcher/Front.php(866): IPS\Dispatcher\_Standard::baseCss()
    #10 /home/bzpower/public_html/board/system/Dispatcher/Front.php(79): IPS\Dispatcher\_Front::baseCss()
    #11 /home/bzpower/public_html/board/system/Dispatcher/Dispatcher.php(110): IPS\Dispatcher\_Front->init()
    #12 /home/bzpower/public_html/board/index.php(13): IPS\_Dispatcher::i()
    #13 {main}


  10. @Matt, I just upgraded my community to 4.6 and wanted to see if there was a way to move the rank images back to where they used to be. Our community has a lot of rank images, very few of which are square like the new 'badges,' and would prefer them to be back under the avatar instead of the little overlapping thing we have now. They look horrible with the new system.


  11. 21 hours ago, Jim M said:

    To get an understanding of the core database architecture, you can perform a test installation and compare your database to that. I'm afraid, we do not have a listing of current tables.

    I say "core", as if you are utilizing any third party add-ons, these could mean that you have more tables than just the core.

    While you did not explicitly ask this, we would never recommend deleting actual data, like forum posts for an example, in a case where your database is growing outside of your hosting's limit. Often this comes up from clients and it puts you in a situation where you will be forever chasing your tail and potentially compromising your community. For that reason, we always recommend moving plans or providers (if you can).

    Thanks for the suggestion. I unfortunately don't think a test installation would help as I'm a couple of versions behind currently, so there's a chance not everything would match. I'm trying to do this cleaning prior to upgrading.

    In looking through all of the tables, there are a large number that have 'orig' prefixes, i.e. 'orig_ibf_blog_blogs' in addition to 'ibf_blog_blogs' being present. All of the 'orig' tables also have a last updated time of NULL in my database's information_schema table. Would this indicate that they are old tables that are no longer used?

    Thanks again!

  12. I'm attempting to reclaim some disk space on my server and the biggest single chunk of disk use is my forum database. I've been using Invision software for quite a while and feel like there are probably tables and entries that are no longer used or needed. Is there a recommended process for weeding these out or otherwise cleaning up the database? Is there a list somewhere of the tables that I should expect to find that I can compare to what is actually there to help determine if there are ones that can be safely removed?

  13. I'm still having some issues with the map. I have the Google Maps v2 API activated and the key entered. When I go to view the map, however, nothing displays. We're running IP.Board 3.3.2.


    I've tested the following OS/browser configurations:
    Mac OS X 10.5.8: TenFourFox, Safari 5.0.6
    Mac OS X 10.6.8: Firefox 13.0.1, Safari 5.1.7
    Windows 7 Pro SP1: Firefox 13.0.1 Chrome 20.1132.47 m

  14. I just installed this addon. When I try to access the map, however, I get the following error:


    You do not have permission to view the member map

    I can't find any permissions in the settings that were installed that would affect user groups.

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