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Ibragim Pupkevich

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Ibragim Pupkevich last won the day on July 22 2012

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  1. BTW, @Tom Irons, as tip link is not so neccessary field to be kept in core members table (it isn't searchable, appears only in particular templates, not everywhere), it's better to move tip link db field to some other db table, like custom fields table. Otherwise some day my core members tables will become huge and slow.
  2. @Tom Irons Please kindly note, that tip button node is not very matching parent node type (div inside of list instead of list element) (Default IPS template)
  3. @Tom Irons, please kindly add donation link to Downloads file view page! Please-please-please!
  4. UPD: Please add verification for empty content of input field, otherwise it's impossible to remove link in UCP. /* Is the link not valid? */ if ( $val != '' && filter_var($val, FILTER_VALIDATE_URL, FILTER_FLAG_SCHEME_REQUIRED | FILTER_FLAG_HOST_REQUIRED)=== FALSE ) { throw new \DomainException( 'tipAuthor_notValid' ); }
  5. Hi buddy, Controls are disappearing when I switch to any different period segmentation (week/month/year). And also look and fill is missing after switching to any other period view.
  6. Hi buddy, I have updated to the latest version and now we face strange bug - Who We Are panel shows like I'm logged in as different user. And I see topics participated by this another user.
  7. Look at Facebook - they have implemented different kind of "likes", but after all anyway any like increases total post reactions amount, so post author is happy anyway. In case of hour ratings - it's great idea, but the only problem is that in fact you build secondary ratings system, which is not bound with main one.
  8. Hi buddy, Excellent idea. I would only suggest to add following improvements: 1. Let admin classify all possible ratings as positive/neutral/negative. 2. Positive ratings should also increase content author basic reputation 3. Negative ratings should also impact author's basic "dislikes" (if enabled) The concern is quite simple - your plugin is great, but if people will choose ratings, some authors will be disappointed, because in fact their reputation won't grow Thanks!
  9. Hi buddy, Thanks for this plugin. Very simple and exactly what I was looking for for along time. The only critical bug I found - there is no option to remove donation link in User CP. If I remove link and just leave input field empty, it says "wrong URL" and doesn't want to save changes. So, means I can only change URL to some other URL, but I can't remove it.
  10. [4.1. b10] + Collections 2.0.2 - error when trying to view profile of member, who has added at least one item in Collections system: /index.php?app=core&module=members&controller=profile&id=1 Fatal error: Access to undeclared static property: IPS\collections\Item::$urlBase in /var/www/localuser/data/www/localhost/system/Content/Item.php on line 957
  11. Did anyone face following error message during Upgrade from 3.4 to 4.1? Is this one critical? lang_not_exists____app_cms C:\Winginx\home\localhost\public_html\system\Lang\Lang.php::657 BLOB/TEXT column 'a_short' used in key specification without a key length C:\Winginx\home\localhost\public_html/applications/core/setup/upg_101001/queries.json - query #2
  12. Are you running your tables in MyISAM or INNODB? That's also interesting also, by the way... IPS said "we will release upgrade tools for 4.1 after release". But in fact even beta has already got defailt upgrade script and more or less it allows you to upgrade directly from 3.4 to 4.1, skipping 4.0...
  13. Hi buddies, That takes HOURS even on very powerful dedicated server... Upgrading members (Upgraded so far: 65326 out of 307920) Any idea how to speed-up this step? What does this step actually do with members?
  14. Ooops... one bug found running 4.1: Try to add moderator (member) in ACP -> Members -> Staff -> Moderators, it will cause: Fatal error: Access to undeclared static property: IPS\collections\Category::$modPerm in C:\Winginx\home\localhost\public_html\applications\core\extensions\core\ModeratorPermissions\ContentGenerator.php on line 59
  15. Hi Mike, Tried to run Collections on 4.1. Everything works fine, just found missing lang bits in ModCP:
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