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Rafael Fischmann

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Everything posted by Rafael Fischmann

  1. Sorry for the delay, I don't know why I'm not being notified of replies here. Can you get in touch in private? rafael AT macmagazine DOT com DOT br.
  2. Only with the task added by your plugin. It never runs automatically; after a few days, that warning appears on the Dashboard and then I have to run it manually.
  3. It basically says (my translation): "The following tasks seem to be freezing constantly: closepruneoldtopics. Please, run them manually. Get in touch with technical support if you need help with any error shown here."
  4. Hi, I'm constantly noticing that its closepruneoldtopics task is freezing: https://d.pr/i/rAHO15 What would cause that? How can I avoid it from happening? Thanks.
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