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  1. Oh! You can put the table in the box wrapper and go bananas with the size and settings. 10/10
  2. I love the table feature! It is certainly very basic, but it is a working table! Is there anyway to align the entire table to center or right? I know you can do the text, but it seems stuck to a left alignment as a whole.
  3. Ok, this was actually what I was looking for. I was worried that my input from Zapier would just be a "blob" of text instead of being able to be formatted. Thank you @Matt, @Randy Calvert, and @Daniel F!!
  4. I tried creating a cloud beta but I just get "Error code: EX6". A configuration or server error has occurred
  5. I'm not sure if it is part of the Beta testing or if anyone has played around with it, but I am quite curious as to how Zapier is involved with IC5. I'm assuming it has not been removed, but I am at a loss on how the formatting will go now that HTML support has been dropped for the editor. I played around with the test site a bit and it does not appear to offer Header or list support on markdown nor does it seem to handle paragraphs well. Obviously, I am making huge assumptions as I do not have a Beta site running and I have no idea how Zapier will be integrated, but I was hoping for some more information.
  6. As of right now, if Zapier is used to create an item, it can almost do everything. In fact, it can do all sorts of neat things like setting IPs and statuses that I didn't even know were in the software, but oddly it cannot fill in Meta Keywords or the Meta Description on the pages app. The only other fields it cannot seem to utilize are upload fields and I can write that off as a technical thing, but the Meta Fields are just text-based. Maybe I have missed something? But with how great AI is for meta details, I feel like this is a lacking option.
  7. I have tried enabling/disabling the login method via my Admin CP. I signed out via my site and signed by into the Facebook connection. And I signed out of Facebook on my site and also removed the site as an app in my Facebook settings for a clean link and while I can login with my account, the picture still does not load. No logs were generated in IPS and no errors given via the login process. EDIT: If I try to set my Facebook profile picture as my account image, I get an error of "The profile photo URL is invalid" on the page, but no log in the admin CP.
  8. The only system log I can find about this matter (nothing was generated when I resynced today) is this one from 5/8: There was a token or something in the backtrace, so I put "REMOVED ID" in that spot as I don't know if it was sensitive or not.
  9. Hello, I use Facebook Login on all of my sites, but one is giving me trouble and I actually have no idea why or what to do at this point. Uncrowned Gaming is the site and the setup and app are mirrors of my other sites. Apps like this are not an item I am very good at. Facebook is saying they are getting an error message during the testing and I cannot reproduce an error. However, this site does have an issue where it does not pull the profile image correctly. This is the message from Meta: Thanks for any help anyone can provide.
  10. These changes look really good! I am super happy to see the sticky toolbar and the embedding will be a great addition! Plus, that means my custom Pages pages will now embed like everything else on the site. I do have a question, will the embedding be editable in the editor? Most importantly resizing things like YouTube embeds and potentially allowing users to make embedded links into squares, rectangles, etc? Also, will this hopefully fix YouTube links posted via Zapier to be auto-embedded?
  11. I would love to see this. Just turn it off by default and let admins turn it on and figure out how it works right on their own.
  12. You might want to check the log for Uncrowned Addiction as it happened today. I know it is abnormal, but I would never expect a perfect system and this mitigation seems pretty simple.
  13. I just logged onto my Cloud site here and found the entire news database and all my "pro" features were missing. Basically, all the content of my site was MIA. I logged into my admin panel and just needed to refresh the license key and everything worked perfectly fine. However, the problem is that this just seemed to be a simple connection issue that I normally would not find as odd by any means, but the outcome is devastating to a site as it basically means all traffic and even all of our AdSense grinds to a stop as soon as the connection issue occurs. Not to mention all the errors it will create in Google for the content's indexing. How about a simple 24-hour warning "Hey, your key is expired or missing and your features will soon be disabled". This would allow any admin to log in and see what the problem is. A delay seems like a practical solution that would safeguard my site from IPS Cloud issues that I cannot prevent on my end and would still pull features from people who simply didn't pay. I highly doubt the number of users that would abuse it to get a free 24hrs is any reasonable number compared to the potential to damage all cloud customers.
  14. Don't want to bring up an old topic, but this is the exact issue I am now having on both of my cloud communities. Guest's have no posting permissions, but I do have "Post Before Registering" allowed. Guests are currently able to post replies to topics and send them for approval. Guests are shown this message "You can post now and register later. If you have an account, sign in now to post with your account.", but when they add an email and submit the reply, it pops up that the post was sent for moderation approval and no registration form appears. Recording 2024-02-13 150035.mp4
  15. If we could just take that little catcha box and place it in the site offline wrapper, it would likely be an acceptable integration for most sites. Give us the site name and a style of box that matches IPS's layout and it would improve multitudes times better.
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