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Peter Parker

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Posts posted by Peter Parker

  1. Just now, Dean_ said:

    Is there any reason why you cannot do this via ACP?

    Yes. I do not have email set up on the domain to be able to reset passwords. I updated a users password while in the ACP and accidentally told my Mac to update my password stored in keychain. Registration is also disabled. I cannot make a new user and just change the group value. I am locked out. 

  2. Just wanted to update this with the fix that was required to be able to update the CDN URL. My IPB license had expired, and a ton of files disappeared off the server that were required to be able to perform this function. Paying for license renewal and uploading the new files allowed me to update the CDN URL.

  3. Hi,

    I have been using a  cdn for  so long that I cannot remember how to turn the CDN off. Due to coronavirus pandemic, I cannot afford the CDN and the payment has lapsed.  My website is trying to call the the stylesheet from the CDN URL, even though I have turned off using a custom URL in System>Overview>Files>Storage Settings>Configuration. Is there another setting that the CDN is being called from?

    Thank you for your time.

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