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  1. Thank you very much! But you wouldn't know how I make the switch between dark mode and light mode, would you?
  2. Hello everyone, I have now successfully upgraded my test site to the latest beta without any problems and am now preparing everything for live operation as soon as the final version is available. In opposition to v4 we would like to use the standard design and adjust the colors for us which works quite well so far. We would also like to use our current background but can't find the option to do this in the Page Editor or AdminCP. Is there any way to do this here? Ideally, of course, a separate background for light/dark mode. Thanks in advance!
  3. I've finally done it and it's been a really weird problem... After I changed the remaining tables to InnoDB (previously I had a mix of MyISAM and InnoDB) and adjusted the value in conf_global accordingly, exactly nothing happened. New theme created, no success... And now comes the solution: My translation in German (From the old Marketplace) taken over from v4 was the problem! As soon as I changed the language back to English, all problems were solved and I can now work with it... No log had logged the error, simply out of desperation I tested this thing because it deviates from the standard... Finally testing v5 with my data, thanks to all! :)
  4. Ok, I'm a bit confused today... The new installation is now running with ALL applications without any problems. If I now switch to the converted database via conf_global.php I get error 500 or EX0 without further details (login AdminCP, view topics). The databases are all on InnoDB and utf8mb4_unicode_ci. So it seems to be some problem in the database for me, but this also exists since 2014 and has been used since v3.
  5. New info.. If I go back to the converted database, I get the EX0 error. If I use the database that was converted, I directly get the EX0 / 500 error again... AND Now I see a 500 Error in the console... /admin/?app=core&module=system&controller=login&ref=:1 POST https://test.MySite.de/admin/?app=core&module=system&controller=login&ref= 500 (Internal Server Error) root_library.js?v=92c9c4f9c81734360684:3 JQMIGRATE: Migrate is installed, version 3.4.1 Is JQMIGRATE a problem?
  6. In fact, I was able to install it when I selected only the forum and core module during setup. After I installed all other modules (Commerce, Pages etc.) the EX0 error appeared again. Deleting the modules via FTP has not been successful so far, very strange. So far I could always solve all problems (mostly it was third party extensions that caused errors) but now I am really on the tube because the problem occurs on two systems with exactly the same error pattern. @Esther E. Yes, I use the Google Login. Old methods such as Twitter, Facebook etc. are deactivated but not deleted.
  7. Hey Marc! Thanks for the tips! Unfortunately, I have applied the patch without success. The only error that can be seen in the log is always this error (but I don't think it should trigger EX0). IPS\Http\Url\Exception: INVALID_SEO_TEMPLATE promote_manage (0) #0 /var/www/vhosts/testsite.de/test.testsite.de/system/Http/Url/Friendly.php(221): IPS\Http\Url\Friendly::buildFriendlyUrlComponentFromData() #1 /var/www/vhosts/testsite.de/test.testsite.de/system/Http/Url.php(173): IPS\Http\Url\Friendly::friendlyUrlFromQueryString() #2 /var/www/vhosts/testsite.de/test.testsite.de/system/Lang/Lang.php(2007): IPS\Http\Url::internal() #3 [internal function]: IPS\Lang->IPS\{closure}() #4 /var/www/vhosts/testsite.de/test.testsite.de/system/Lang/Lang.php(2002): preg_replace_callback() #5 /var/www/vhosts/testsite.de/test.testsite.de/system/Lang/Lang.php(1811): IPS\Lang->replaceWords() #6 /var/www/vhosts/testsite.de/test.testsite.de/system/Output/Output.php(1066): IPS\Lang->parseOutputForDisplay() #7 /var/www/vhosts/testsite.de/test.testsite.de/system/Dispatcher/Dispatcher.php(192): IPS\Output->sendOutput() #8 /var/www/vhosts/testsite.de/test.testsite.de/system/Dispatcher/Standard.php(133): IPS\Dispatcher->finish() #9 /var/www/vhosts/testsite.de/test.testsite.de/system/Dispatcher/Front.php(678): IPS\Dispatcher\Standard->finish() #10 /var/www/vhosts/testsite.de/test.testsite.de/system/Dispatcher/Dispatcher.php(171): IPS\Dispatcher\Front->finish() #11 /var/www/vhosts/testsite.de/test.testsite.de/index.php(16): IPS\Dispatcher->run() #12 {main} #0 /var/www/vhosts/testsite.de/test.testsite.de/init.php(827): IPS\Log::log() #1 [internal function]: IPS\IPS::exceptionHandler() #2 {main} I have also just tried to reinstall v5 once. I got the following error: #0 /var/www/vhosts/testsite.de/test.testsite.de/applications/core/sources/Setup/Install.php(705): IPS\Application::load() #1 /var/www/vhosts/testsite.de/test.testsite.de/applications/core/sources/Setup/Install.php(473): IPS\core\Setup\Install->IPS\core\Setup\{closure}() #2 /var/www/vhosts/testsite.de/test.testsite.de/applications/core/sources/Setup/Install.php(702): IPS\core\Setup\Install->appLoop() #3 /var/www/vhosts/testsite.de/test.testsite.de/applications/core/sources/Setup/Install.php(446): IPS\core\Setup\Install->step3() #4 /var/www/vhosts/testsite.de/test.testsite.de/applications/core/modules/setup/install/install.php(82): IPS\core\Setup\Install->process() #5 /var/www/vhosts/testsite.de/test.testsite.de/system/Helpers/MultipleRedirect/MultipleRedirect.php(104): IPS\core\modules\setup\install\install->IPS\core\modules\setup\install\{closure}() #6 /var/www/vhosts/testsite.de/test.testsite.de/applications/core/modules/setup/install/install.php(56): IPS\Helpers\MultipleRedirect->__construct() #7 /var/www/vhosts/testsite.de/test.testsite.de/system/Dispatcher/Controller.php(139): IPS\core\modules\setup\install\install->manage() #8 /var/www/vhosts/testsite.de/test.testsite.de/system/Dispatcher/Setup.php(261): IPS\Dispatcher\Controller->execute() #9 /var/www/vhosts/testsite.de/test.testsite.de/admin/install/index.php(16): IPS\Dispatcher\Setup->run() #10 {main} Everything was green in the system check... I don't see any errors on my system AdHoc either. My v4 installation runs without any problems... Any other ideas? =/
  8. Hello everyone, In preparation for an upgrade to v5, I am currently playing with my test environment. Now I have the problem that I get the error message “EX0” after logging in to the AdminPanel or when I want to call up topics in the forum (only as a user, as a guest I can read EVERYTHING in the forum). Even the test environment has already been moved to another server to see if there could be problems with the environment... I don't see any error messages in the log or in the developer console of the browser. All file permissions are correct, I have even deleted all old v4 files with the exception of the upload folder... What else can I check or does anyone know the error? Which logs can provide information? I am using PHP 8.2.26 and MariaDB 10.11.6 (error also occurs with MySQL 8.0.33) on a Debian 12 system. Thanks in advance!
  9. I just updated my 4.7 community to 5.0 beta 1, switched to default theme, cleared the cache and still the “Popular Contributors” block looks a bit strange. I think the position is a bit too much for the design.
  10. Perfect! I will update my test site to v5 when the beta is available in the client Area
  11. If you need someone to test a v4 to v5 converter I would be available and happy to test 🙂 (180.000 Post, 4.000 Topics) The current version 5 looks great! I hope that I can continue to use as many new functions as possible in the future as I run a "Classic" self-hosted system 🙂
  12. Sorry for quoting myself... Since there is no real change from my point of view, I have looked around for an alternative and I will now operate my forum with the IP.Board until the end of my licence period and then I will change to another system. It's a pity, but I can't and don't want to pay so much for a hobby project per year. Thanks for the great time!
  13. I was shocked to read the email about the increase and it was like a slap in the face! I can understand a price increase, but the prices here are going up extremely in one fell swoop. Corona has already caused a sharp drop in income and now we are supposed to pay the price increase? I can almost no longer afford that for my hobby forum. The price increase is even higher because the e-mail support is no longer available. Community support can be provided for freeware, but not for expensive licensed software! Thank goodness I recently renewed for 6 months at the old price. I will now definitely look for an alternative and move my forum to another system if they don't reconsider the decision here...
  14. DELETED ===== I dont know why, but now it`s work...
  15. Would it be possible to get the XML file for the design via PN? Unfortunately I can't update from BETA1 to another BETA or FINAL version... Unfortunately it doesn't show me in the AdminPanel that an update is available.