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newbie LAC

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Everything posted by newbie LAC

  1. Hello, Yes. I created them manually, setup group permissions, etc. I do not know what ratings you need. Photo? I think no. I can give you all images from the screenshot + the script to create ratings from screenshot. Why?
  2. Hello, General idea is show all topics. I can add a param mids Something like forum/rssalltopics.xml?fids=1,2,3&mids=1,2,3. Show topics from forums with id 1,2,3 and created by users with id 1,2,3 or add new settings on ACP Inbuilt rss show the topics sorted by reply. Example https://invisionpower.com/forums/forum/431-ips-marketplace-topics.xml/ My plugin show the topics from selected forums sorted by start date
  3. Hello, No. RSS feed include topics from all forums. I think to add a param fids Something like forum/rssalltopics.xml?fids=1,2,3. Show topics from forums with id 1,2 and 3
  4. Hello, Add also .nbPinned .ipsDataItem_main { padding: 6px 10px; }
  5. {{if $coverPhoto->file}} {{$coverPhoto->overlay = "<div class='ipsType_veryLarge'>{$topic->title}</div>";}} {{endif}}
  6. Hello, It's correct code. Open template nbTopicCover. Find {{if $coverPhoto->file or $coverPhoto->editable}} Add after {{$coverPhoto->overlay = $topic->title;}} You can use html Example {{$coverPhoto->overlay = "<div class='ipsType_veryLarge'>{$topic->title}</div>";}} Result
  7. Hello, 1 setting for all tabs or 2 settings for every tab?
  8. Hello, 1. It's by default. The block has css class ipsResponsive_hidePhone 2. I thought to add a setting. But added css rule 200px. You can edit app css file or add your properties in custom.css. 3. I think about it. 4. I thought about it. Add setting to set global image or per forum. Maybe. Inbuilt cover photos hasn't option to set link. 1. No. Ask @gerard001 https://invisionpower.com/forums/topic/432286-thread-cover/ 2. Nothing if the user hasn't permissions to manage cover. Black block if the user has permissions to manage cover. Yes.
  9. PM me and I'll send you new version for testing.
  10. {{if $topic->mapped('cover_photo')}} <img src='{file="$topic->mapped('cover_photo')" extension="nbtopiccover_TopicCover"}'> {{endif}} $topic should be an object of \IPS\forums\Topic
  11. Hello, Inbuilt covers hasn't thumbs. Only full images. Yes.
  12. Maybe. That was in the last year. I can't reproduce on Maybe a poster has custom css rules which overrided a background.
  13. You can if you want. It was a special case.
  14. Add in custom.css .nbPinned { background: #00595c; color: #fff; font-weight: bold; margin-top: 5px; }
  15. Already done but not uploaded on MP
  16. You need to disable "Designer's Mode"
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