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newbie LAC

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Everything posted by newbie LAC

  1. Hello, First table is a widget which displays on all league pages I can exclude it from league/tables/ page
  2. Hello, Fixed for upcoming release
  3. Hello, Thank you for report I'll look into that
  4. Hello, php in the adverts? You can use
  5. In this case I can give you a code to create members from names list. PM me.
  6. Hello, Your file only contain names. On the screen I see other fields
  7. Hello, Please read the setting description Location I can add new setting Show unique (selector + position) adverts and use inbuilt setting Advertisement circulation It would be better use as selector #elMobileNav
  8. You can use my app to disable display adverts on login/register pages You can use conditions per advert or use the setting to hide all adverts
  9. Hello, Screen please Yes. I'll change this for next release
  10. Hello, I added custom fields to fixtures. It took longer than expected So you can create new field like Player. Call it for example "Best player". Then select that field in the new widget. Currently I'm testing the work. 1-2 days to release
  11. Hello, Thanks for report. I have fixed this for next release.
  12. Hello, There is no button to collapse the list. I'll add it for next release Works as intended. First selected tags, then others I'll take a look on this
  13. Hello, Yes No. In this case it should be created per node (forum, category etc) Style 1 Style 2
  14. Hello, I'll add new fields on the next week.
  15. https://invisioncommunity.com/forums/topic/429838-nb41-enhanced-advertisements/?do=findComment&comment=2670856 https://invisioncommunity.com/forums/topic/429838-nb41-enhanced-advertisements/?do=findComment&comment=2701348
  16. Hello, Where is that page located? Link please
  17. Hello, 1 field to fixture + 1 widget
  18. Ok. I'll add new settings for next release
  19. Hello, Edit the templates core - global - plugins - nbSecGroupIconsProfile core - global - plugins - nbSecGroupIconsPost You can check the group ID ($grOther) and add the link Only links? Without any replacements (like {member_url}, {member_id})?
  20. You should set up the height and width for images .nbSecGroupIconsProfile img { height: 30px; width: 30px; }
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