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Posts posted by kkucharsky

  1. Hi, 

    Could you say any more, where can I edit distance logo to social media icon? 

    Regarding invision version 4.3 was yestarday, now I have 4.4. In both cases status doesn't work in header. 

  2. Hello there,

    I would like to change distance with logo to social media icon. Can you help me to do this? 

    And I add a lot of status in my profiles, but I cant see status in header, why? 


  3. Hi, @TAMAN

    I have theme settings. I can control swiper slider, but I need the same option in "simple" Slider. I need button "read more" because I add there link to other site.. I have affiliate program. 

    Maybe you can add this to the next update? It would be fantastic! 




  4. Hello, 

    I have a several question: 

    1. What if when I'm using a standard account in paypal and skrill, not for business? 

    2. When I configure my gateway I have 'gateway instruction' in ACP. Skrill requires a secret word, and Paypal requires Paypals IPN to be turned on. So, if I have standard account then I will not have the ability to configure Donate application?

    I'd like to see every donate in my forum, but actually when I have standard account in Skrill I see: Gateway Email Mismatch despite the fact that the payment on account is added.

  5. 3 hours ago, socceronly said:

    Not sure if this is a stupid question... but should a Donation show up automatically in the the list/log ect?

    I have only had one, and I just added it manually.  That chiseled at the total ect... 

    I think I installed it correctly.

    Edit: Just had a couple of people try it.  I see the money in PP, but nothing is registered in the system.

    Looked back over the posts here, but don't see anything obvious to do.

    I  have the same situation. 

  6. Hello, 

    Q1: In Donation Settings we can create topic on forum. I think create PM to user who donate will be better option. What do you think? 

    Q2: Do you know neteller? I think it's good payment platform - so maybe in the future should be added to the application?

    Nieteller is better system from skrill in my opinion. Founded in 1999, Optimal Payments Limited provides businesses and individuals with an online alternative to traditional payment methods. Used for forex brokers.

  7. Hello,

    I upgraded my forum to IPS 4.0, but I have a huge problem with my database. Can you help me? 

    I converted all table to utf8 and I can't see my character in polish. 

    Link and scrren below:



    In one of the best polish forum about IP Board I received solution to create a file constant.php with:

    <?phpdefine( 'FORCE_CONVERT', TRUE );
    define( 'SOURCE_DB_CHARSET', 'latin2' );

    This file should be in /utf8convert before turning updates, but this doesn't work on my website. 

    Any idea? 


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