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Viper V2

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Posts posted by Viper V2

  1. On 4/5/2020 at 5:48 PM, Morrigan said:

    If you are completely disallowing it, yes.

    So on the standard "Members" group you need to have this enabled:



    Group setting must be enabled on the default members group.

    Promotion must be set to change the group (second to last setting in group promotions) and it should trigger.

    I tried this and it put all my current members into this new group instead of validation ones. What did I do wrong?

  2. 8 hours ago, Morrigan said:

    You likely have other rules that are taking precedent. It will always run the last rule in the list that works.

    I don't have any other group promotion rules set. Do I have to enable the group promotions within the groups for it to work?

  3. On 4/1/2020 at 8:24 PM, Morrigan said:

    So first off, by default once the person is validated (depending on your validation method) they are automatically placed into a standard "Members" group. Before they are validated they are queued to either be approved or deleted depending on validation settings.

    If you want to move them to a new group immediately after they are validated you just need to add a group promotion rule that you leave everything default except the "move group" setting which you choose what group you want them to get.

    So I had a member recently validated and it didn't work. I used the settings you mentioned and they stayed in the member group instead of being moved into the group I selected. Any idea? Does it go into effect immediately or take time to run it?

  4. I get this message in the ACP: The rule definitions for the IP.Board Member Map application may be out of date. Rebuild FURL Cache

    What am I doing wrong? Thanks

  5. I second this suggestion. I run a gaming community and the lack of special rank modification is difficult. I have a lot of groups and it stinks having to mange them all like they could easily been done with a special rank system.

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