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Posts posted by VISERA

  1. Do You have any best tips for optimizing adsense on invisionboard? Do you use auto ads? or You just put adsense code manualy without auto? Maybe you know some website that reveal some optimization tips

  2. Is there any solution to the advertising problem that overlaps the text? I use: 

    #ipsLayout_mainArea .adsbygoogle { width: 320px; height: 100px; }
    @media (min-width:500px) { #ipsLayout_mainArea .adsbygoogle { width: 468px; height: 60px; } }
    @media (min-width:1050px) { #ipsLayout_mainArea .adsbygoogle { width: 728px; height: 90px; } }

    but the ads still cover the text like i photo below:


  3. Do you think that ads can be optimized better than auto ads.

    1. Enable ad balance - 100%
    2. Text ad under 1 post (not a banner)
    3. 336x280 banner between 1 and 2 post
    4. Text ad under x post (4-6)
    5. Using the Google search engine

    Is it possible for Mobile Users to upload other units. I am looking for the code <if> Mobile user </ if> then I would choose flexible units there.

  4. On 4/25/2018 at 7:57 PM, eMCe71 said:

    Hi, I have just installed AutoAds and everything will be perfect but ... In-Article Ads appear over the text. I have tride solution from CSSlife and

    If I use:

    1. solution - nothing changes

    2. solution (only "display:inline") - In-Article Ads looks great but other don't appear at all

    Any clues?

    Thank you


    Is there a solution yet?

  5. On 5/29/2018 at 8:26 AM, Nathan Explosion said:

    What problem appeared? Nothing much to go on here.

    When Pagination Ajax is enable and also Your mod is enable, jumping between posts is not possible. The content does not load. As on the attached screen.post_without_content.thumb.jpg.90f12ee0cf17d7a819e6d21056837636.jpg

    As You can see, there is no content.


    On 5/29/2018 at 8:26 AM, Nathan Explosion said:

    And again...what problem exactly? There is no 'saving' involved in the plugin, other than the settings. I've just gone ahead and edited a few posts, with and without ads, and I see no issue. So, if you need further help....elaborate.

    The problem is that while Your mod is enable then not save any changes in the edit posts by moderators. There are no errors, the save button work well, but after saving and refreshing the page there is no change.

  6. I bought the modification a few days ago because it offered a lot of possibilities. Installation and configuration without problems.

    • The problem appeared with the jumping between the pages of the topic (helped to disable ajax)
    • But there is another problem which i can not find any solution.  There are not saved changes in editing posts by moderators and administrators. Save button, it works correctly but it does not save. Could You saw this problem. Version of my board 4.3.3

    I am waiting for version with ads in second post

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