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Posts posted by Maksim

  1. 5 hours ago, MNOfficial said:

    Since updating to 4.4.1, myself and my co-admin are unable to post or send private messages on our board. The text area will not load, and it does not allow us to type anything. I attempted to disable attachments, which I would hope would disable this, however, it has not. This did not happen until an update to 4.4.1. Even 4.4.0 did not have this error. Is there a way to fix this? See image below for example!


    So this is interesting...

    By any chance using Firefox?

    One of my users reported this as well, but we are on 4.3.x.

    It would not load on regular, BUT did load when using site in private mode... or different browser.

  2. So just purchased the plugin to convert some groups to clubs.

    I think the Closed Club is precisely what we want.... I just think it is silly to not be able to "add members" as admin when it is closed?

    Was there a reason for this?  I suppose have to make it an open or private club, add members, then switch the type. 

  3. As we discussed

    Incomplete product with errors.

    The bad:  Lots of undisclosed basic things that still need to be ironed out.  This really is beta software not a complete product.

    1. There is no way to sort how the links appear to the user.  DESPITE the fact that you can order links in the ACP... it has ZERO effect on how the user sees it.  This was not disclosed and cannot be discovered until you purchase.  Had I known this basic fact, would not waste my money on this.  Not having the ability to sort links should be both disclosed and corrected.  Interestingly... you can sort the way the categories appear and making changes in the ACP does change how they appear on the live site.

    2. Cannot add one link to multiple categories.  If you have one link that belongs in multiple categories, you need to enter that link more than one time into each category.  That would of course create multiple links on the home listing.

    3. Issues with how images/links appear!  If you are using the "descriptions" field, the links do not show up straight, only if there is an equal number per row and even such, does not always work. See below.  Note it is used on a basic IPS site, no custom templates. 


  4. 16 hours ago, ossipetz said:


    the texts used by the widget should be in the language manager (sources) in the admin panel (Customization -> Languages) just like all other texts, the key is "block_tfRocketChatWhosOnline". The uppercasing is from the stylesheet.

    Thanks.  Worked perfectly.  Had to modify the underlying file.

  5. Hi Maksim,

    You can insert the data into the `feedback` table and then use the 'tools' in the ACP to rebuild the Feedback caches.

    The other way is to manually go through and use the 'leave feedback' link to add your historical records.


    Have not played with it yet... But will it be ok to just go through the members and enter in one number in the table? Or do I have to fill in the rest such as classifieds link, etc.

  6. Purchased this app and so far it is awesome. We have kept a post with username and a number +4 or whatever for feedback score. We want to import this into the trader app. Is this doable? Can't find how.


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