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Posts posted by fantasystar

  1. Is there a way you can add the option of % percentage size of the watermark.

    As I have images such as thumbnails in the pages app and the watermark is very large for it.

    So if there is an option to set the watermark size to 10% of the overall size, that would be great.

    Otherwise, can you add the option of Thumbnails also and I can deselect it from the watermark function.


  2. 44 minutes ago, TAMAN said:

    I thought you were waiting for the swiper slider! 

    if so don't worry, as soon as the first theme is updated then the ipskit addons app will be released in marketplace and it will be free to install and works with any themes not just my themes, it will come with swiper slider, footer blocks and background picker 🙂 


    The new Swiper Slider for sure as I want to set different banners for the forum, pages and mobile.

    But at the same time I want to customize the new Behemoth theme colors to match the different banners.

    We want it all LOL 😁

  3. 2 hours ago, TAMAN said:

    there are many changes in the slider for example you will be able to add any of existing pages blocks as a slider and reorder theme with the custom sliders in the theme


    slider buttons are also removed you will only have a slider title and content field with user permissions 

    i dont remember anything of mobile specific maybe you need to remind me of it! 😅 


    That will be fun to implement,

    you mentioned to me


    theres a new update coming to the themes which has many new functionalities one of them is adding as many sliders as you want in the theme settings which then allows you to add extra sliders or customize them easily like a slider just for mobile



    So for me having custom sliders just for mobile will be great.


    Regardless, look forward to the new update we appreciate your constant improvements

    thank you

  4. 18 hours ago, TAMAN said:

    no its not

    the recent update was for ips 4.6.x support 

    Alright, well I look forward to the new update with its features.

    I remember you mentioned something about slider specific settings for mobile.

    Keep up the good work.


  5. 15 hours ago, TAMAN said:

    this theme was updated recently to support latest ips version. only a bit of code in globalTemplate was required to change tho

    if you have any issues with the theme please let me know 🙂 



    You mentioned a big update for this theme, is that included in the latest version or another to come ?

  6. Hi,


    I am looking to have a custom mod made.

    I want the option of adding "A Title" To the Additional Image field in the Pages Database.

    So when selecting additional image / images a title box appears so that you can input the Title Text. 

    Sometimes a member will upload just 1 additional image and that requires a title box, and sometimes they will upload 20 additional images, so each will need a title above it.

    Attached are some examples of how it should appear and where the mod can be applied and to which part of the System.

    If you think you can achieve this, please let me know.

    Thank You

    add title to additional imags.png

    like this.png


  7. Hi,

    Is it possible to add a Slider Image only for mobile viewing different to the Desktop/laptop.

    As currently I have the Slider Height set to custom, and when its on custom the slider image is not shown on the mobile.

    It is only when I set the Slider Height to Full Screen does the Slider Image appear on the Mobile Browsing.

    However, I am finding it hard to have 1 image that is suitable for both desktop and mobile viewing, so if its possibly to add a separate Slider image for mobile that will be great. As then, I can set a separate image that is better for Portrait mobile browsing and also a different wider image for the desktop/laptop.



  8. Hi,


    I am looking for someone who is experienced with coding, databases to carry out multiple mods / tweaks for a new forum.

    Need to be experienced throughout the InVision platform.

    Get in touch with your rates, experience.

    Thank you



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