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Everything posted by willadamskeane

  1. The problem I'm facing is that the application is reporting an error, which were it my own code I could fairly easily debug with inserted log statements or breakpoints. There are no errors being reported on the database server that would indicate a config issue, and MySQL errors can only be captured at the point of execution, usually in the application itself (in this case, IP.Board). Based on the errors being reported in the IP.Board system log, my best guess is that there is a database schema issue with a table, or a data integrity issue with one or more rows in a table, related to the CMS app (which I have a few custom databases setup in). I was just hoping that someone more familiar with that area of the code that the error is being reported in could point me the right direction.
  2. Is there any way I can escalate this to an official support request? I have exhausted every resource I'm aware of in search of an answer.
  3. It seems the MySQL "Connection refused" error is only being logged to the file-log, which is used when the database is inaccessible - makes sense. However, looking at these logs, the connection refused was last logged days ago, while I'm seeing very frequent errors running tasks, the last one happening today. If I look at the System logs in the Support section of the Admin CP, which are being logged to the database, I can see the error that is being reported - unrelated to the connection refused: This is the most frequent error, and it is occurring multiple times per day. It seems to clearly be a PHP execution error within the IP.Board application source files.
  4. I'm just trying to understand how I should go about resolving this issue. Are the warnings that appear in the dashboard safe to ignore, and if so is there any way to turn them off? I'm not sure why there would randomly be a connection refused error on the SQL server, as the forum otherwise runs fine and there haven't been any issues other than the occasional task that fails to run.
  5. I run self-managed dedicated servers, one for the frontend and one for the SQL database. I don't think the connection refused error is the root cause here, I think that's relatively uncommon compared to the frequency of the tasks failing. Did you get a chance to look at the other error messages appearing commonly in the logs?
  6. No SQL issues recently, as far as I know. The errors are continuing.
  7. Hey there, I've been having trouble with the tasks set to run automatically on my board. This happens pretty much every time they run: Looking at the support log, I see the following error occurring repeatedly in the logs: Thanks for your help!
  8. Hey there, I'm stuck upgrading to the latest version of IP.Board. I'm getting the following error during upgrade: Column 'word_key' cannot be null /var/www/html/system/Db/Db.php::659 Thanks for your help!
  9. I'm seeing crond[2285]: (/usr/bin/php) ERROR (getpwnam() failed) From a brief google search, it looks like I need to prefix a username to the cron command being executed. In my case, located in /etc/crontab. I'm going to try this, and will update here if successful in case someone else runs into this problem. Edit: So far seems to be working. For reference, in my crontab file I originally had: * * * * * /usr/bin/php -d memory_limit=-1... I changed this to: * * * * * root /usr/bin/php -d memory_limit=-1...
  10. So there's no way to know specifically why these tasks are locking up?
  11. I recently converted a number of old MyISAM tables to InnoDB, perhaps that had something to do with it. Though the issue with the tasks failing to run was happening well before I did the conversion. I'm self-hosted, so any MySQL issues I'll need to debug myself. Can you share with me the error you saw? And do you believe it to be the cause of the tasks failing to run?
  12. Hi there, Many of the routine maintenance tasks running on my forum are failing, without any errors appearing in their respective logs. When I run them manually, they run successfully (except for the queue task, which states that it cannot be run because it is already running, though it still complains that it fails to run). They are setup to execute through a cron job, which had been working fine in the past. Let me know what other info I can give to help debug. Thanks!
  13. Has the update been pushed to the marketplace? I'm seeing the last update was pushed July 14th.
  14. I'm hitting an issue where clicking "Show previous replies" is loading the same replies that have already been loaded, rather than the previous ones.
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