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Posts posted by Lisa~

  1. I was upgrading the software as was continuously suggested by the daily pop up from software, and now there's an error. I have no idea what it means. I keep hitting the Continue and Retry buttons, but same error code appears. The site is naturally down and not sure what to do to fix this. My host said this: " Hello, we would need to handle this on the software side directly with Invision, please submit a ticket and they can get this fixed up for you quickly I'm sure.  "

    I am running PHP 8.1

    The error:


  2. On 5/18/2020 at 12:07 AM, Rhett said:

    Users online since 4.0 (2015) uses php sessions, which have a default session length of 1440 seconds (24 minutes). This isn't something the software can edit and is a server side setting that can not likely be adjusted for many other reasons. What some users have done to overcome this is use one of the third party item (linked above) that show the number of active users in the last 24 hours on the bottom of the site instead of the current logged in users.  



    19 hours ago, Joel R said:

    One trick to not look like a ghost town:

    Instead of using the block for Online Users, use the Members block.  

    Show the last X users, sorted by Last Activity.  Then simply name the block as Online Users or Recent Members or whatever you want.  


    This must be THE very patient Rhett reminding me I'd have known this if I had upgraded the software even once between 2011 and now?  :p  Yes, I've learned my lesson! 

    Since that plug in shows anon users, my paying users did not like it. So, I use it on Pages to entice Guests to register with a 6 hour cut off and in ascending order, which shows a ton of users and makes it confusing enough (listing and time wise) for paying users to be okay with it.  I use the Who's Online on the Forum because it's accurate and they want to know who's online and how many anon, etc.. I did have to explain and literally demonstrate to the anon users that they can see themselves on the Forum lists, but are anon to everyone else. This wasn't an issue with the Who's Online from years ago.

    Now I'm working on why my Google Ads are not working. Javascript disabled...?


  3. This who was online plug in does not allow anonymous users to remain anonymous.

    All I want to do is change the time setting so my board doesn't look like a ghost town, but at the same time allow the few who want to remain anonymous to do so.

    Why isn't the time frame an adjustable setting? 

  4. Just found this...

    Friends was fixed in one of the 2.3 versions.

    Comments are updated to member id 0 (just like posts) when a member is deleted.

    As for PM titles staying, but not PM content, THAT is a bug, but it will be addressed in 3.

    I'll tell you, this will get run through other people, but all in all the majority of administrators want content deleted when the member is deleted.

    As a side note to someone else who mentioned they would like a way to separately delete PMs when editing a member in the ACP - that was indeed added for 3.

  5. Yeah, per group could be better.

    What's allowed on my board:

    - Copper Level allowed 25 storable messages
    - Bronze & Liberal Level allowed 75 storable messages
    - Silver Level allowed 150 storable messages
    - Gold Level allowed 250 storable messages
    - Platinum & Diamond Levels allowed 500 storable messages

    What is stored on my board:

    ibf_message_text = 19208
    ibf_message_topics = 17366

    These are the numbers from my board. More than half of these are stored in PM boxes of members that can no longer access them. At one time, everyone who registered on my board was able to use the PM. This is not the case now and has not been for quite some time. Only paying groups can use that feature. People who know their paid subscriptions are expiring and know they won't be subscribing again archive their messages if they want to save them. They also know that their avatars, personal photos and everything in their profiles will be deleted, and that they will no longer have a blog, album or be able to use the arcade or chat room, start threads or see certain forums. They are on the site's "welfare" program, so they are limited in many ways.

    There's no reason for me to be storing the PMs other than the software offers me no easy way of deleting them.

  6. After just dealing with complaints about the liberals I allow to post on my site, I thought of another thing that is really needed. :D An upgrade of sorts to the ignore feature.

    When users are placed on ignore by others, their comments can still be read if an unignored user quotes them, which happens every day on my board. So, you can't really ignore the people you want to.

    ETA: And maybe an admin/moderator abilty to be able to force users to ignore each other and to make it so they can't "peek" at the posts of the ignored.

  7. Like I said, this is my wish list. These things would help me run my site the way I need to, and I wouldn't have to mess with the original software, possibly causing problems with efficiency.

    I see little reason to add this other than preventing porn spammers from posting pics, honestly, this should be a mod.

    Then someone should make a mod for it. :) I haven't found one though. But, I'd persoanlly prefer something like this included since I have different user groups, some are paying and some are not. Paying groups are allowed to post images, non paying are not. I have a couple of reasons for this.

    I can see uses for this, but I can't see enough people using this to warrant having it as a feature.

    My paying members have access to a No Holds Barred forum for very heated political debate, which given the name of the forum, should be allowed profanity. The rest of the board which can be seen by any of the thousands of people that visit my board (including minors) is not allowed to conatain these words or have the fighting that goes on in that one forum, so I have no choice but to set the profanity filter to not allow those words anywhere.

    My site is not blocked from businesses, schools or libraries and I'd like to keep it that way.

    Ever think they keep them because they WANT to keep them? I'm for this feature in the case of spammers, but I'm not for using it for such blatant abuse.

    The site is many years old, and some members that were once paying members and allowed personal messages are no longer paying members (I have a recurring subscription plan for most), so they shouldn't have a full inbox. They aren't allowed to read them because they can't use the PM any longer. They also have a feature to download their PMs, and I advise them to use it. I suppose it's all about how one runs their board and what their board rules say. I'm running a business, political in nature. I'm not asking to read the PMs, I could care less what they say. I just want to remove the dead weight from the site in an easy manner. We have a feature to remove all posts and topics for individual users, so why not one to remove their PMs as well?

    I don't see why only certain groups should be given a right to privacy, either give it to everyone or no one.

    The ones that pay to keep the site going are allowed many things the non paying are not. Like I've stated, it's a business.

    Everyone should be able to report posts, if they abuse it they should be banned, simple as that.

    Like above, only paying members can do this on my board. I suppose it's set up sort of like this site. Paying members receive perks and time from myself or my moderators, the ones that don't pay really shouldn't have much to complain about.

    With the built in report center this isn't needed.

    What built in report center? We have one?

    I prefer the reports to be posted as threads in our Violations forum. First, because a hacker once used the feature to send some sort of code in an image and was then able to log in as me. He was caught within minutes, but that made me change how things were done on my board. This is why I disallow images for all groups besides paying, prefer only paying to be able to report posts (because my site receives a ton of trolls a day), and want them in a forum instead of sent through PM or email, so they can be dealt with immediately and there is no confusion with the moderators. When they are received through PM or email, ALL of them receive a copy and no one knows if another handled the situation.

    Like I said above, it all depends on how someone is running their site. Maybe we need another version of the software geared more towards business. It appears more and more business oriented sites are using this software, so who knows, maybe that will happen. If there is another version I'm not aware of, then excuse this entire thread and please point me to it and I'll see how affordable it is.
  8. Just my wish list... :)

    Although there are modifications available for some of these, it's a huge hassle when upgrading for a variety of reasons.

    [*]Allow/disallow image tags and use of emoticons per user group. (My old modification no longer works for this and I've been waiting for years for this to be included in the software.) [*]Bad word filters per forum (haven't found a modification yet) [*]Delete Member PMs per user (haven't found a modification, but I need something with over 14000 members, some of which disappear for months and have full boxes with silly messages dating back to 2003!) [*]Anonymous Log-in Permissions like the SE23-Anonymous Login Permissions v1.0 Sean Ellis [*]Skins Group Permissions like the D22-Skin Group Permissions v1.2 Dean Logan [*]Signature Limitations like the (iNV23)-Signature Limitation v1.0.6 Pete Treanor [*]Sig And Avatar Per Group like the Sig And Avatar Per Group v1.0.0 -Calypso- [*]Group Title Persmissions like the Group Title Permissions v2.0.0 -Calypso- [*]Report Post Permissions like the (FSY22) Report Post Permissions v1.0 Michael [*]Report as Topics like the (OV22) Reports as Topics v1.1 Chelsove

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