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  1. Ah ha good to know, I'll take the @ out of there. Might be worth mentioning it in the configuration docs
  2. Thanks for the swift reply. 1) is fixed, it threw me that the 2 column template was assigned in a different page than the one I was using which is block driven. Thanks. On 2) I don't want to change the core of the system, just I'd prefer to link to the topic instead of the article?
  3. A question or two if I may. We're now using SuperGrid on www.smartphonegurus.com as you can see here: When we hit a title (link) we get: The problem is that linked page only has the content on the first half of the page, as you can see here. Ideally for us we'd love to have: A fix to the above so that the entire page width is used. As we use the system to post a copy of the article into the forum the possibility of linking to that post instead of back to the article. I can understand if 2) is not possible but I'd love to fix 1). I've looked through all the settings and I can't see anything that might affect the width. Oh, I have reverted the entire site back to the standard IPS theme but that didn't help. Thanks in advance for any assistance.
  4. Okay, will re-enable and test to see if any issues do arise.
  5. @newbie LAC Is the Mod going to be updated so it is 4.2.1 compliant at all?
  6. Ditto here, no corruption.
  7. The issues I have are: Lack of pagination (slight annoyance) 'Load more activity' being displayed at the 'end' of the stream, when you hit it you get 'There's no more activity to display ', if at the end of a loop with less that the loop internal quantity to display surely it should display that immediately at the end of that data segment without the user having to click on the button again only to display the message? (feels unfinished) [This site] Charles posted a blog entry.... (major annoyance which seems to be being overlooked) Unread Content links take you to the first page of the thread instead of the last read or new comment of the thread. (major annoyance - which I know is under investigation / consideration ) You did ask.....
  8. For me the features should include: Be able to rename the points, i.e. 'beer' Be able to buy points via PayPal, e.g one point = £3.00 Able to give points to other users
  9. Usable then so good to know!
  10. Do you have any plans to test it at all?
  11. I can see it being useful. I'd be happy myself if I could find a decent set of Group icons which had all the titles in there I want
  12. I wasn't sure if the same applied as settings had been added. However I'll now update
  13. Do we need to remove the old version and reload the new variant?
  14. That is likely the fault of the community as we asked the developer to make the Mod available. He should make it available to you IMHO.
  15. Okay thanks
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