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Posts posted by TGSAion

  1. This thing is really nice so far, even as a beta.

    Some feedback:


    • timestamps
    • New chat activity indicator in the browser tab title. As an example, currently it just says "IP.Chat" but if someone said something while you had another tab in focus, change it to "IP.Chat@Username" for the last person that responded.
    • Usergroup name coloring
    • links & user profiles opening up in a new window instead of the chat window. Could even do a tiny little menu when you click a link "open in new window" and "open in new tab" so picky people can continue to be picky
    • Usergroup based access to chat channels
    • Something to the effect of "/roll 2d20" to roll dice or "/random 100" to get a number from the server
    • Choose if the userlist is on the right or left
    • Highlighting/underlining of your display name if it appears in chat from someone else
    • Somewhere make a button to add a user as a friend
    • System message when someone in the chat makes a new thread on the forums, and make it a link "system>> username posted a new thread titled "Whatever it is""


    • Character limit counter for each message that updates as you type
    • Move the leave chat/exit button to be above the user list in the blue bar where the IP.Chat title is, sort of positioned like the close application 'x' in a program window.
    • Slim the text input box to a single line

    Also, I'm all for an option to host the chat service yourself. Shared hosts don't like things like this, but lots of people run on VPS setups now which offer a bit more in terms of available resources.
  2. After using this software for a bit, and having been pleased with its performance thus far I would like to share my thoughts with people looking for some answers. Hopefully some of my commentary will help potential buyers since it comes from a fellow vbulletin admin.

    Just to elaborate a bit before beginning, I've been a vbulletin user for a little over 3 years now on a relatively small forum with a consistent group of posters. It isn't a 'big board' by any means, but over time I've probably used most the features that vbulletin offers. This puts me at an advantage with that software bundle over IP.Board, so if I give kudos to a feature that is 'missing', but isn't actually missing and a user error of ignorance on my part, please chime in and correct me fully.

    I know you can't really be objective on some things, and for those instances I've tried to separate them from the facts by italicizing them. Also, this is not at all a comprehensive analysis of the two softwares. Just a collection of points that stood out to me. Hopefully this kind of thing is allowed if done in a non-hostile/polite to other product way, if not then nuke away or move to the appropriate area, if there is one.

    Things in Invision's Favor:

    This is based on the 3.0 series of board, after my use of the IP.Suite product that comes with IP.Board/Blog/Gallery

    • Private Messaging
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