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Everything posted by onlyME

  1. onlyME


    I know css way but it is not a sulution. Image was cropped for a small size.
  2. onlyME


    I haven't found a solution to crop image in center yet. You should change the thumbnail size so it can match the ratio. Eg if you use image 720 x 405, you should set thumbnail size is 250 x 141 (horizontal rectangular).
  3. onlyME


    Hi, Go to Customization > Languages and search the key videobox_frontmenu
  4. onlyME


    That's is due to the old template bit of old IPS versions. I will apply this fix in the next version of Videobox. In Themes -> Videobox -> Global -> Menu Find {{if !in_array('ipsLayout_minimal', \IPS\Output::i()->bodyClasses )}} {{if \IPS\Settings::i()->show_home_link}} <li data-role='navItem'><a href='{setting="home_url"}'>{lang="home_name_value"}</a></li> {{endif}} {{foreach \IPS\Application::allExtensions( 'core', 'FrontNavigation' ) as $id => $nav}} {{if $nav->canView()}} <li data-role='navItem'> <a id="elNavigation_app_{expression="strtok( $id, '_')"}" href='{$nav->link()}' {{if $nav->active()}}class='active'{{endif}} {{if $children = $nav->children()}}data-ipsMenu{{endif}}> {$nav->title()} {{if $children}} &nbsp;<i class='fa fa-caret-down'></i> {{endif}} </a> {{if $children}} <ul id="elNavigation_app_{expression="strtok( $id, '_')"}_menu" class="ipsMenu ipsMenu_auto ipsHide"> {template="navBarChildren" app="core" group="global" params="$children"} </ul> {{endif}} </li> {{endif}} {{endforeach}} {{endif}}Replace by {{if !in_array('ipsLayout_minimal', \IPS\Output::i()->bodyClasses )}} {{$extensions = ( \IPS\Member::loggedIn()->language()->isrtl ) ? array_reverse( \IPS\Application::allExtensions( 'core', 'FrontNavigation' ) ) : \IPS\Application::allExtensions( 'core', 'FrontNavigation' );}} {{foreach $extensions as $id => $nav}} {{if $nav->canView()}} {{$tabId = uniqid();}} <li data-role='navItem'> <a id="elNavigation_app_{expression="strtok( $id, '_')"}_{$tabId}" href='{$nav->link()}' class='elNavigation_app_{$id}{{if $nav->active()}} ipsNavActive{{endif}}' {{if $children = $nav->children()}}data-ipsMenu data-ipsMenu-activeClass='ipsNavActive_menu'{{endif}}> {$nav->title()} {{if $children}} &nbsp;<i class='fa fa-caret-down'></i> {{endif}} </a> {{if $children}} <ul id="elNavigation_app_{expression="strtok( $id, '_')"}_{$tabId}_menu" class="ipsMenu ipsMenu_auto ipsHide"> {template="navBarChildren" app="core" group="global" params="$children"} </ul> {{endif}} </li> {{endif}} {{endforeach}} {{endif}}Save
  5. onlyME


    Yes, it's a small bug, I fixed for you.
  6. onlyME


    Any problem with Videobox? If the problem of Chatbox, please pm me.
  7. onlyME


    Did you run Get Support tools? If you ran this tool in steps 3 or 4 it will auto disabled your applications.
  8. Oh, It's a slider, so I don't think grid view interface is good.
  9. Hi all, V1.0.5 has been released
  10. Hi It can not, only supports image + title + url. Check your pm, I sent you access info to test site.
  11. onlyME


    It's not a bug, it only searchs videos. Turn it off if your site has blogs, gallery, downloads,...
  12. Not sure but I'll try.
  13. onlyME


    This is css background of videobox, can work for all themes
  14. onlyME


    Hi, Go to ACP -> Customization -> Themes -> click </> to edit your theme -> CSS -> videobox -> front -> videobox.css -> change the background color in .esnList_item_border { padding: 0px; margin: 0 5px 10px 5px; background: #fff; }
  15. I will update the popup background in the next version. About redirect to a topic, you should use HTML <a href...
  16. Please check your PM. I sent you this file while waitting for moderator feedback.
  17. Does it show error message? I also see your name in purchase list. @Charles
  18. Yes, I will add the editor for content in the next version.
  19. V1.0.3 has been released Fix ACP restrictions.If 'Number of page views' = 1 the popup will show only once time.
  20. Currently it can not, but I will update in the next version.
  21. yes, you can create multiple popups, each popups have different permissions. EG: Popup A for guests, Popup B for members...
  22. Thank you, I will update the screenshot of the permissons right now.
  23. Thank you for your testing, I will release the new version now.
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