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Posts posted by Smokey-Rev

  1. 4 hours ago, Jim M said:

    Go to /admin/upgrade to complete the upgrade process. Sounds like you may have applied a patch file but have not run the upgrader yet.

    Thanks! that fixed it 🙂


    How would I go about changing my Mysql tables to innoDB? it says this as a 'recommendation'


    InnoDB database tables typically perform more efficiently and reliably than other database engines such as MyISAM on most modern hosts when configured correctly. It is strongly encouraged to ensure all of your database tables are using the InnoDB storage engine, and that your hosting provider has configured MySQL for InnoDB use.

  2. Ah okay. So I deleted the block, saved,  Re-added the Member Stats & Forum Stats blocks, and haven't hit the "Edit" button on them, so i'm hoping it's good to go now... It's set to 5 minutes (default), so I'm assuming it'll work.  I do have another issue in the admin CP i keep getting a notification about dangerous PHP extensions, i'll make a new topic about that.

  3. I'm currently demo-ing IPS4. I'm considering making the switch and renewing my license.... However, how would I make a custom user title for myself? such as "Founder/C.E.O" for myself, but just for me, not a rank or a separate group, just a user/member title? Is this possible in IPS4?


    Also while i'm here, how would I go about making my group color appear in topics as well?



  4. Hi guys, i installed the iP.Chat but when I go to enter the chatroom it says its loading then it gives me "You've been kicked from the chat"

    Obviously a bug in the beta, can anyone help with this issue?

  5. When buying ANYTHING digital, via online especially, you CANNOT get a refund once the files or software are in your possession, this should be for OBVIOUS reasons, but if they aren't obvious enough, I will state them:

    - What's stopping you from claming a refund then still using or illegally re-distributing the software? Nothing. It'd be your word against theirs
    -You'd still have access to the support forums and the client area.

    Next time DON'T rush into purchasing software, research it, and research it EXTENSIVELY. Write this off as a lesson learn't and move on.

    Just out of curiousity, what can't you do with IPB? There is an applications/modules/plugins system in place that should be able to take care of about 98% of your needs as far as modifications go. There really shouldn't be any need to edit any of the system's core files for any reason.

  6. Let me try my best to clear up certain things that people are still unsure of regarding the following:
    * bounced email handling - integrated
    * wiki - IP.Content/CCS does the job
    * cyb advanced forum rules - IPS has a BoardRules function built in See the Forum Rules here (Alternatively, you can make a page using IP.Content)
    * GARS (reviews) - There is a tutorials mod available that i'm sure can be altered to suit reviews.
    * Invitation system - Here
    * reputation system - Built in
    * reputation comments in posts - Mod - This may suit you or This
    * reputation moderation - built in
    * multiple account detection and handling
    * post report system - built in
    * vb's infraction system - built in
    * member help / support / ticket system - Mod, and there are quite a few available, look aroud, can't find a link :)
    * real IP detection (see trough proxies)
    * reciprocal links directory - Not sure if this is what you're looking for....
    * verify email before registration - Built in
    * facebook like chat - Not sure
    * full featured chat room - IRC
    * canned replies - built in
    * vb's thread prefixes - Not sure if this is possible yet, there may be a mod :)
    * donation system - Here
    * vbexperience - iPoints system

    Hope I was able to help clear that up for a few users!

    Also IPS naturally has equivilant add-ons to some vB add-ons:
    IP.Gallery (vBGallery)
    IP.Blog (vBlog)
    IP.Downloads (Full featured Download System)
    IP.Tracker (equivilent to Project Tools)
    IP.Content - Fully functional and powerful CMS/Portal system (better than vBACMPS)

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