Hello Randy,
Thanks for explaining but then that means the "Post before register" function is useless for my forum. It just makes things so difficult for people who want to interact with me that most won't even bother and will just go straight to social media like Facebook and Instagram or email / call us directly to interact. The issue is social media posts and threads are all "here today gone tomorrow" blog style posts, and email / phone calls are all 1-1 communication only so I need to recommunicate and repost this info. I want to pull customer interactions over to our own forum so I can pin Q&A style interactions and easily reference them from our main website. The product I'm trying to sell is already difficult and complex, so this style of interaction will allow customers in the know to help customers who are struggling, and sometimes even present us with useful tips we can easily share with others.
For me a more useful guest function is "Let the admin know I want to post this" along with the contents of the actual post. Then I could log into control panel, see a notification at the top when this is happening, and reject or approve the posts one at a time.
Please do something about this. I'm getting weary of not being able to get good use of a true "forum" for over a decade. The forum still just functions for me mostly as a basic non-interactive website.