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Release Notes v5





Posts posted by Kfir

  1. Making 'date of birth' / 'birthday' an optional or required profile field on registration.

    We are finding that many of our newest members since we converted do not have their birthday in the profile, and there is no way to give them a reminder to add it when registering.

    I second that.
    I want members to fill in their birthday without turning the CCPOA thing on (or whatever it's called :P).

  2. Sorry, Lost me there.

    I mean the "Blog this" button that was mentioned. Cant seem to see it anywhere

    Near the Report button.
    I guess it works on the default skin only right now, didn't check the others.

  3. It is a sad reality, unfortunately, that we cater to all sorts of clients on all sorts of setups, and it is simply not as easy as telling client "A" they can't use a feature because their server can't handle it. Believe me, we'd love to introduce all sorts of cool (but resource hungry) features, but to do so would mean we need to support those features, for all our customers on whatever particular setup they have. If the feature is going to get IP.Board banned from a host because it is not resource friendly, unfortunately it's not something we can include.

    Well you can do the on of these options:
    1. Make it as a community project as a separate download.
    2. Make it included as a built-in setting which is OFF by default + with a big warning next to it.
    3. Don't make it compitable with IP.Board but with the other applications such as IP.Downloads & IP.Gallery which aren't as big as the board is, so it won't be that "resource hungry'. (you can include that with your coming major releases! :D)

    I really liked that feature back in the beta, so I'm not willing to give up on this! :P neither do you!

  4. Even on dedicated servers... it would be too resource intensive to be practical.

    Yeah it could be, but why not let the owner of the board choose?
    BTW, It must not be used for the forum itself, you could let the admin choose for which application he wants to use this feature.
    I can find it more useful for IP.Download, IP.Gallery & Help Topics, which are way less loaded than the forum itself.

  5. Unfortunately it's not that simple... a lot of people don't understand why it would be bad on shared hosting, so would enable it anyway, and ultimately end up getting shut down (and possibly getting IPB banned at that host). We have to walk a fine line between features and not overloading servers.

    Is there a possible way to make it into a hook? Then pass the project to the community dev team.
    Or you could just make a big note near that feature like: "MAY CAUSE A SHUTDOWN OF THE SITE ON A SHARED HOSTING SITES! YOU HAVE BEEN WARNED!!!"
    I would someday want that feature included in my board.

  6. That's not the same.

    With the advanced forum rules, you can change the rules and all the users must read and confirm then (if the admins want).

    If they don't confirm, they will be banned i think

    Here's the link missing to the mod^^

    This kind of mod is actually under development by capbiker. He is doing a great job!
    It's still in development stage, but gonna rock when it's out!

  7. One more mod I almost forgot to add was iTrader.

    It allows ebay like feedback ratings for sales conducted on the forum.

    Edit - Also struggling trying to find the arcade for IPB3 as well.

    I'm pretty sure that there isn't an arcade mod yet. I can guess that someone is already working on it. Not sure.
    I know there is a paid radio mod.
    A post thank you mod is somehow close to the built in reputation system. You can also install this mod [AH30] Reputation 1.0.2 to improve the current reputation system.
  8. 1. Blocks appear on extra pages you choose from (topic view, posts view, etc...).
    2. Blocks can't be closed by groups without a permission.
    3. More built-in blocks included such as: Recently added topics from forum X, Recently added downloads (IP.DM), Most downloaded downloads.

  9. I'm glad to see you finally installed IP.Download Manager here on the company board. But too bad I lost all my favorites. >_<

    Also wondering... is IP.Content is the new name for CCS? Congrats on the Alpha stage! and looking forward the big update of IPS addons! :D

  10. When you disable a member's posting ability, he can't access the Messenger at all, and this isn't the purpose.
    When I disable his posting ability I want him to get a PM explaining why he got this punishment. He needs to have an access to view conversations, but not reply to them.

  11. If you have CCS as you said, using that to make a Privacy policy sounds like the best idea to me.

    1) You can control the page name

    2) Breadcrumb trail will already be like you are talking about, with addition of "Pages" navigation entry

    I don't think we're going to start adding in 10 different "custom page" options into IPB. That's all privacy policy, terms of service, etc. etc. are here. A blank page where you write the text. There are plenty of options already available I'd say.

    Well I thought that terms of service should be included since this isn't something new. It's already included in the registration page, but can't be accessible outside of the registration form.

  12. For what purpose? Couldn't you just put whatever it is you want your registered users to know in your board guidelines? It serves the same end purpose.

    I could, but terms of use and board rules are two different things.
  13. I mean the terms you need to agree to when you register here, or on any IP.Board.
    I know there is a link of the Forum Rules on the top , but there should also be the Terms of Use link (the terms you agreed to on registration).

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