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Posts posted by Pintac

  1. Upgrade to 2.0.0 Beta.

    Thanks for your hard work Stoo!

    But i just disabled it for now since my site is heavily dependent on the custom markers along side the member markers. This way they can see how close the customs are from their locations. I know that you're working on it and will wait for the full release.

  2. Still running the original map with google. Everything worked until a few days ago. Now the map won't load and I get a popup asking if I want to let the script to continue or kill it.

  3. Add some markers, the map will automatically zoom into the area the markers are in.

    Once markers get spread across the globe, it won't stay in that area on initial load. Just a suggestion that if someone has their own location marked, that it zooms into that area.

  4. I gotta admit, it's in almost EVERY topic regarging Beta: "DO NOT USE ANY BETA FOR LIVE SITES" - Couldn't have been said enough. I hope you are able to figure out the upgrade, if not, better to be 200 posts than 10'000 posts!

    I agree, and it's there before you download it in the client area

    Please note that this release is NOT supported by IPS and we strongly recommend that you DO NOT upgrade your production board with this release.

    . Once beta 5 is released. I'll take a copy of the live board and see how the upgrade goes. I'll even do that once the final release comes out. I'm definitely in no rush to loose anything.
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