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Release Notes v5

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Everything posted by Michael.J

  1. Noted. New IPB 4.2 versions will be starting to come out soon.
  2. It looks like there may be a critical error due to the change to the like/reputation system. I would recommend holding off until I can release an update. (Most likely first thing next week)
  3. Can you try removing and then re-adding that widget to see if the widget cache is the issue? Do you have any errors in acp > donations tab > donation logs? I may need board access to investigate this.
  4. @Kekcik @Steven Wood @GVS What issues are you having? The support topic is here to report any bugs...
  5. In what areas are you still seeing the goal amount as the "private goal" setting should be hiding all amounts related to a goal.
  6. Until I see what's needed to upgrade for 4.2 I can't really comment. It may just be a quick update to ensure compatibility or it may need more work. I did look into the meta report you provided in this release however. It appears to be already generating meta data as part of IPB4 itself based on the video description field. So if that's not the case for you, can you please PM me the board affected so I can take a look?
  7. Noted all of these for future versions. You could select the "Year" as the time frame and then the day of the year instead. e.g. I plan on upgrading all my apps and plugins for IPB 4.2 once it's released. I can't commit to a time frame until IPB 4.2 is out and I've looked at what's needed to upgrade however.
  8. This plugin has been updated with the following change log.
  9. I've just updated the Videos app with several minor and crucial bug fixes. Support has also been added for changing the video author and next/previous video links.
  10. I'm going to need acp access to troubleshoot this further, please PM me. It sounds like something happen during upgrade if you've been using the IPB 3 version previously.
  11. 1) No notifications for expiration or near expiration. I realize this would be handy to have and noted it for a future version. 2) No not currently. But it's a good idea and will note it. 3) If you add a new donation, you can select the "upgrade member group" toggle and that will add an entry into the group promotions. But you can't only add a group promotion by itself.
  12. If you edit those empty database entries, does it then display in the form? Was this a fresh install or an upgrade from IPB 3.4?
  13. This plugin allows you to put members in admin validation on hold for later review. v1 Features: Put on hold from admin validating members list. Put on hold from admin edit members forms.
  14. I've released a new version that fixes a critical issue with the settings page noticed by relatively new installations of IPB4.
  15. Open applications/donate/sources/Reward/Reward.php Find: $form->add( new \IPS\Helpers\Form\NumberRange( 'reward_amount_range', $this->rid ? array( 'start' => $this->amount_range1, 'end' => $this->amount_range2 ) : array( 'start' => 0, 'end' => 100 ), FALSE, array( 'start' => array( 'decimals' => 2 ), 'end' => array( 'decimals' => 2 ) ) ) ); Replace With: $form->add( new \IPS\Helpers\Form\Custom( 'reward_amount_range', $this->rid ? array( 'start' => $this->amount_range1, 'end' => $this->amount_range2 ) : array( 'start' => 0, 'end' => 100 ), FALSE, array( 'getHtml' => function( $element ) { return "<input type='text' value='{$element->value['start']}' name='reward_amount_range[start]' min='0' class='ipsField_short'> - <input type='text' value='{$element->value['end']}' name='reward_amount_range[end]' min='0' class='ipsField_short'>"; } ), NULL, NULL, NULL, 'reward_amount_range' ) ); Save.
  16. That was a custom conversion so I'm not sure would be the same issue your having. In the collections database page, do you have any empty entries?
  17. I'll note this for a future version. Shouldn't be any major issues as long as it can use the users local time to decide what logo to show.
  18. I assumed you meant "Paypal subscriptions". Yes, there are member group upgrades that can be set for a limited time. Would it help if I setup a demo so you can check the member rewards section?
  19. This plugin allows you to select which custom profile fields require unique value/content when members edit their profiles. So that multiple members can not have the same profile field value. v1 Features: Select any custom profile field to require unique content. Set which member groups can be exempt from the unique value requirement. Supports custom profile fields placed on the register form. Choose between an exact match or contains match when checking fields for unique content.
  20. No, not currently. Likely in the future but far off.
  21. Good point, it should really provide an empty option on the registration page otherwise the first team would be selected. I'll note this as a bug, can provide a patch if needed.
  22. Yes, maybe in the next bug fixing update soon.
  23. I hate when others use this but to be honest. "When it's ready" would best describe things. I've started setting aside more time for new releases, bug fixes and mod updates but can't give a time frame yet.
  24. Should be simple enough to add, will make a note for the upcoming bug fixing round.
  25. Can you send me a copy of the theme or provide login details to your site? And I'll see what adjustments are needed so that the hook loads properly.
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