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Release Notes v5

Invision Community 5 Bug Tracker





Everything posted by Michael.J

  1. I'll note and make sure this is applied next update. Edit: I'll be doing another beta round for all my apps again soon.
  2. I've provided a patch for the settings issue. It looks like an old form helper was removed.
  3. I've added a manual patch for this until the new version is released - http://www.devfuse.com/forums/tracker/issue-1614-numberrange-missing/
  4. Then there's no problem?
  5. I've encountered this recently with another customer. Check that you have the NumberRange.php file in /system/Helpers/Form/. If you don't, you might want to check it's in your IPB4 zip and re-upload it again.
  6. Try something like this. Open plugins/donatesidebar/widgets/donateWidget.php Find: /* Display our widget */ Add ABOVE: $form->actionButtons = array( '<input type="image" name="submit" src="https://www.paypalobjects.com/en_US/i/btn/btn_buynow_LG.gif" alt="PayPal - The safer, easier way to pay online">' ); Save. Now just swap out for your own image.
  7. Michael.J


    Could you PM me a link to the affected topic or take a screenshot of it and your Portal settings? I'll then try and reproduce this and see what's happening.
  8. Yes, try the "%EMBED%" quick tag instead. Should grab the full video embed that the Videos app generates instead.
  9. It should but there is also a group permission called "Can view goals" if you really wanted to eliminate all mention of goals as well. All text throughout he public and acp end should be covered in the language files. If you search for the terms you want, you can just translate them through the lang manager. Yes someday but no ETA unfortunately.
  10. Please PM when you can and I'll try and put together something this week. I've got a patch in mind but do need to test it a little.
  11. If you search the collections > front > widgets > collectionsItems template for <</span> and replace with </span>
  12. This might actually be a bug then. It should be checking for form submissions from specific forms if you've got a wait time set per form. Do you have ftp access to your forums? If so, I should be able to put together a temporary patch for this.
  13. Yes. Removing all goals will have donations tied to nothing.
  14. I believe this patch should fix this issue. Please apply this patch.
  15. I don't have any ETA right now. Will provide one as soon as it's possible.
  16. If this is for the latest goals widget. See acp > theme editor > donate > front > widgets > donateGoals. Find and change: <span class='ipsType_normal'>{$goal->_title}</span> Without knowing your themes css code, it's a bit hard to know exactly what changes to make from here. I'd need access to the theme. To add bold, add ipsType_bold to the class.
  17. This plugin currently only supports posts. I'll note private messages for a future version.
  18. Reply sent.
  19. I had some issues with passing that from the widget to donate page but will revisit and see if possible now. If you don't require the "donate changes" functionality, the easiest way to remove it and the tab would be to disable the "Can moderate totals?" group permission in the Donate area.
  20. Makes/models are included specifically for previous users of the Garage app in IPB 3.4. Both apps were merged in IPB4, so I thought it was best to keep makes/models. But categories is where the actual sorting of items takes place. Categories support unlimited levels and would be primary for sorting your item into different areas. Makes and models are then just another level that are displayed across all categories. If you still need further clarification, just let me know. Changes the dropdown select to an input field where they actually enter the make or model.
  21. Thanks for reporting, noted for next bug fixing update. As part of the existing donation process? So they click donate, select goal and it redirects there instead of continuing with donation? Wouldn't that just add another step as they have to click donate again from the goal page?
  22. I need access to the new theme to see what it does differently to the standard theme. I can then update it to work with both.
  23. Can you send me more details on the theme your using? Either a copy of acp access to where it's installed.
  24. Oops, this is what I was talking about.
  25. I believe the later versions of IPB4 allow you to alter the thumbnail dimensions within the editor box itself. Double click an image and you'll see dimension settings. Could that be used for what your after?
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