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Everything posted by Librekom2

  1. That was it! There was some garbage value in that field for some reason. I changed it to *, rebuilt the cache and it's now working. Thanks a lot for your help!
  2. The issue is that the default reaction is not available to any user when the plugin is active. If I disable the plugin, it is available again (see screenshot #2 and #3). I suppose this is cause somehow by the fact that we changed the title, reputation and icon of the default reaction.
  3. @Adriano Faria I have a small issue with your plugin. Maybe this is an unusual case, but I changed the icon and name of the default reaction. When the plugin is enabled, the default reaction is completely disabled. List of reactions: Plugin enabled: Plugin disabled: Trying to change the settings of the default reaction, the plugin menu doesn't show up:
  4. Hi @Fosters I'm considering buying this plugin. Would you recommend to wait for the update you just announced before buying or is stable enough?
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