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Posts posted by Christophe

  1. Had a baby and the last 2 years have been tough. Now I need to revamp my forums but I also need to be able to post topic or comments outside of the forums into a wp or a php page. Is there a paid tool I can buy to do this or does IPS have a plug in now that provides integration outside of the site to display topics so that when people click the links they are sent back to the forum?

    Thanks in advance

  2. Does the purchase comes with help or tutorial files on how and what to set up if you want a particular setting i.e: if you want a group that accepts members automatically do this or if you want a group where only an admin can accept do this?

    Not that it looks complicated on a first test install but :)

  3. I would like to see how do groups show for example on the forums index. For example do the groups show as forums or differently...that kind of screen is what I would like to see, i.e the front end. Also lets say you have a movie group and a cooking group, can you assign images to each group and for example use these images as links to go to the group instead of a text link? (Sorry not sure if I am making myself clear).

    What I am looking for is to create several groups but have them show lets say on top of the main forums as images, banners or icon if you know what I mean instead of just links so that it looks nicer to click on a group and view it...makes sense?

  4. Any chances you could provide either screens of what it looks like without having to install it to test it? I am very interested in having a group functionality on our site if the members can join groups themselves

  5. I didn t read the whole thread but have you thought about being able to drop a pin to set your location instead of using an address or zip code.
    I am thinking about people who live too far from a road or street also by being able to drop a pin it may help with privacy as for some member it help to hide their real location. I know you can just put another address but being able to simply move the marker would be a great addition.

  6. #memberMapCanvasWrapper does not seem to have a width associated with it.

    Should t it have a 100% width somewhere? It breaks like this on both Firefox and Chrome under os X

  7. Sorry if this was asked before but I still get some members names appearing below the bubble I guess because their name is too long.

    Where do I make changes to make the bubble wider ?

    Thanks in advance

  8. These installs are on different machines...who knows what other settings are different.

    Can you tell me where is the height of the popup bubble decided so I can manually play with it and adapt it to the proper size?
    Thanks in advance

  9. I went into the acp css and found inside: skin_membermap > mapinfobox the following line:

    $memberData['prefix'] = str_replace('"', "'", $memberData['prefix']);
    </php><div class='left def'>{$avatar}</div><div class='left text'><h3><a href='{parse url="showuser=

    and removed the left now I get this result:

    Its really weird because I run two other boards that have the same install and they display fine...there has to be something else going on

  10. I uninstalled, reinstalled...same result...sorry

    If I inspect the code I find this:

    <div class="left text"><h3><a title="View Profile" href="http://www...

    if you remove the Left in that first class it seems to work fine, it looks like the information from the person is a float left that comes after the pictur.

  11. I shall re install and slap me silly if I installed the wrong version brb

    EDIT: Reinstalled...same result

    Do I need to flush or recache something?

    I checked in Safari and it works fine on it, cleared all caches and cookies in FF...same result on firefox mac
  12. hmm it looks like it was working before and this week I click on the pointer and the data is outside of the bubble for all members

    I suppose this has to do with the names being too long? Maybe I should read the 20+ pages to see if that was mentioned before. I noticed it works fine on short names but not on long ones and here I erased the surname on the screen. Is this being fixed?

    Great mod btw

  13. I love the dynamic search of the ACP but I just spent 15 minutes trying to find where the setting for the personal photo was.
    Doing a search in the ACP did not bring the result for the user groups/global where it is really hidden at the bottom of the page.
    May I recommend adding Personal Photo to when someone does a search for PHOTO in the ACP search results.

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