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Posts posted by rebecah

  1. I was thinking I would install a clean copy of Invision on my computer and then import the clean theme tables, to replace the one in my current database, as I just can not find any way to get rid of the Affinity and test theme.  I did edit the test them to remove the parent option.  I shouldn't have deleted the main default theme either.  I was thinking the 4.3 was the newest version of the default theme.  I just seem to be making a mess of things.  


    I no longer use any theme except the 4.3 default one.  I did add in my custom css from my Affinity theme  to the default theme and it does not seem to be what is causing the problem.  

    Thanks so very much for taking the time to answer my question, I greatly appreciate your doing so.


  2. Thank you so much for your response.  I got rid of my test cop by setting the parent to the default theme...I am not sure why but it disappeared.  I was able to delete the ISP default.  Unfortunately I do not have options except to manage resources.  I am so grateful that you helped me be rid of one of them though.  🙂

    I also do not have the option to set all members to the default theme, but I think I did that elsewhere awhile back.  I had issues with my themes before and a very kind support person setup the 4.3 versions for me.


    Could contain: Text, Page, Paper

  3. It didn't help to change the theme I tried changing it to the IPS default then tried making my theme the default and still nothing is there to allow me to disable or delete a theme.  I had also tried adding a new theme to see if I could get rid of that and now I have another theme I don't want of need.  


    Could contain: Text, Page, Word

  4. How do I disable or delete a theme?  There used to be an option to do this and I can't find it, well it's not where it used to be.  I created a theme quite sometime ago and it is now throwing errors.  


    I have ran the support tool and it isn't giving me anyway to update the theme.  I do however have multiple error or the same thing that I think maybe due to this theme.  


    Error: Call to a member function stripQueryString() on null (0) #0 /home/p47yo0ghi34d/public_html/system/Dispatcher/Front.php(87): IPS\Dispatcher\_Front->checkUrl() #1 /home/p47yo0ghi34d/public_html/system/Dispatcher/Dispatcher.php(110): IPS\Dispatcher\_Front->init() #2 /home/p47yo0ghi34d/public_html/index.php(13): IPS\_Dispatcher::i() #3 {main}


    Thanks so much for any assistance you might be able to give.

  5. Thanks I did do that and found a suggestion that I am going to work on.  I have MyISAM and it suggests I go to innoID.  Someone sent me a private message and told me about turning on the file cache a couple of other options and that really helped a lot.  I no longer have that warning about our server not being up to snuff so to speak. 

    Thanks ever so much for your help and for taking your time to do so.


  6. I'm sorry I wasn't very clear on my question.  As you can see in the first portion of my image it says my server is not up to snuff.  Then I go on to explain some of the issues I've been having besides the need to find a new web hosting service.  I don't know what is causing the issue that could cause me to not be able to upgrade future Invision upgrades.

    It is the size of the database that is the problem we have unlimited space the main reason for moving the files is to remove lines within our database.  

    I do know it may not be safe to to go into the database for most people but database programming was my job for many years so I have a good understanding of them.  When I first started using Invision I asked for a map of the database structure and no one seemed to know what that was.  

    Thanks ever so much for responding to my message and telling me it was basically confusing.  I hope I've cleared that up at least somewhat.  


    I have the following server warning in my admin notifications.  I'm wondering if someone could suggest a good server option that does not cost an arm and a leg.  We are just 3 elderly women who create things for the Sims games and we do not charge anything for these items nor do we charge people to use our site.  We currently use goDaddy which has closed us down a few times for out database being too large.  I have to go in and clear the logs by hand as Invision no longer gives my that option in the admin section.  We also used to be able to clean up files that were no longer linked to anything in the database.  I sure miss that option.  I've been working to reduce the size by removing images posted in the download section by placing the images on postimage then putting the link in the description and I'm moving our files to a file server.  



    Would anyone please be so kind to give me some suggestions as to what I might do?  Thanks so much for taking the time to read my message.



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