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Release Notes v5





Everything posted by Majbritt_merged

  1. I accidently did another back up when i tried to download the file yesterday and now I have too much on my server. I already downloaded the back up, so that is good. How can I delete the back ups on the server so it doesn't take up too much space?
  2. Thank you. I'm downloading now. Thanks for the help everyone 🙂
  3. I have now done the back up and got an e-mail that it has finished. Is there any more I need to do? Should I download it to somewhere or is it okay, that it's just on another place on the server.
  4. Thanks so much for the link and screen captures. Now I have something to try and see if I can get it to work. Thanks so much everyone 🙂
  5. Thanks, do you know where I can find a tutorial, so I can try myself? I have searched for it, but haven't found it yet.
  6. I'm the admin of the forum. I just used to have help from another admin so I haven't done things like these in many years. I can access the forum cpanel and the server's cpanel, I just don't know where to go to do the full back up. My server is a GoDaddy server.
  7. Hello, I have a forum with IPB 3.4.7 which is very old, so it needs to be updated. I have paid for them to do it, but I need to take a full back up of my community. I used to have a friend do it for me, but he's not around to help right now, so please can you let me know how I actually take a full back up of my community, so I can learn to do it :-) Thanks
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