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Release Notes v5





Posts posted by JayX

  1. I think a lot of it is down to how many versions my site has been in over the years, as well as things like external scripts that haven't played nice. I'm by no means a particularly great administrator, and 10 years ago I was definitely worse! 

    IP4.0 looks great to me, I so wish I was starting here with a clean database, but I know if I did that my site would die overnight. It's taken maybe a day to get my site that works fine 90% of the time for 90% of the users, and most errors beyond that will be a dead end link to an emoticon that's been moved and forgotten about. 

  2. I upgraded from 3.4.x to 4.0 and noticed a lot of the old content of the forum didn't transition so great - lots of broken links, old bb code, unreadable quoting structures etc. So I've put together some find/replace MySQL queries to help with getting as much of my community back as possible. My site has been on IPB since 2.0.0 DPR1 according to my log, since 2004. I'm not going to lie - there were a lot of stranded files (hopefully mostly resolved with IPB 4 as I migrated to a fresh install base) and tons of extra crap in my SQL DB. This is not really the ideal way to migrate your site I'm sure, but my site isn't ideal anyway ;)

    ​Don't try any of this without backups - just because it worked for me doesn't mean it'll work for you and one bad line could break your site completely. 

     UPDATE `ibf_forums_posts`
     SET `post` = replace(post, "[quote name=", '<blockquote  class="ipsQuote" data-ipsquote="" data-ipsquote-username=')
    UPDATE `ibf_forums_posts`
     SET `post` = replace(post, "']", "'>")
    UPDATE `ibf_forums_posts`
     SET `post` = replace(post, "[/quote]", '</blockquote>')

    These 3 SQL queries above are designed to convert broken Quotes from 3.4.x. I still have a ton of quotes in posts from versions before that that appear to be harder to fix, but possible (replace can't use wildcards which is what's screwing me). 

    UPDATE `ibf_forums_posts`
     SET `post` = replace(post, "[code]", '<pre data-pbcklang="html" data-pbcktabsize="4" class="html ipsCode prettyprint">')     
     UPDATE `ibf_forums_posts`
     SET `post` = replace(post, "[/code]", '</pre>')   

    These two are designed to replace the old 'code' bbcode that I use to put pieces of code in. Like I'm using here.

     UPDATE `ibf_forums_posts`
     SET `post` = replace(post, "[i]", '<em>')   
      UPDATE `ibf_forums_posts`
     SET `post` = replace(post, "[/i]", '</em>')  

    This is another BB code fix - this time for italics. Bold works similarly, as well as underline, strikethrough etc. Just convert from bbcode on the left to html style on the right, and don't forget to do the second replace to fix the close tags.

    UPDATE `ibf_forums_posts`
     SET `post` = replace(post, 'public/style_emoticons/<#EMO_DIR#>/unsure.gif', 'uploads/default_unsure.png.?????????.png')

    With broken avatars, I fix them by looking at what the filenames in /uploads/ are for the default and switch out the broken URLs to the new one. IP4 adds random characters to the filenames now (presumably to stop abc.jpg overwriting a preexisting abc.jpg) so you'll have to do them one at a time whenever you find broken links.

    UPDATE `ibf_forums_posts`
     SET `post` = replace(post, "[IMG]", '<img src="') 
       UPDATE `ibf_forums_posts`
     SET `post` = replace(post, "[/IMG]", '" class="ipsImage">') 

    Designed to fix images - however on my original attempt I got a piece of code wrong and broke a few hundred posts so this fixed version will hopefully work. Backup, I forgot to and had progressed too far since the last one so just put it down to experience.

      UPDATE `ibf_forums_posts`
     SET `post` = replace(post, "[URL=", '<a href=')   
      UPDATE `ibf_forums_posts`
     SET `post` = replace(post, "[/URL]", '</a>')  

    Likewise, this should fix links that have the old URL tags on them.

    Feel free to contribute any extras or better versions of the ones I've had some success with. I still have issues with my archive posts, but they're a lot more readable now and I'm happy enough with that. 

  3. Sorry to bump, but seemed pointless to start a new thread when this one existed.

    For ages my iPhone would pull up the Lo-Fi skin independtly of the skin I had chosen for my account, which was great. I could switch back and forth too so I could check my messages, and there wouldn't be any issues.

    Now, after swapping to the normal skin yesterday it seems whatever I have set as skin it'll have on the iPhone/normal browser. ie I switched back to lofi, returned home and in Safari I had lofi. Switched that back to normal and now on the iPhone I have a normal skin. Any way to reset this ? Cheers

  4. System Requirements

    PHP: v5.1.0 or better

    SQL: MySQL v4.1.0 (5.0.0 or better preferred)

    Pre-Install Check: Files

    Required Files: Not yet checked

    Pre-Install Check: PHP Extensions

    PHP Extensions Overview: Failed

    DOM XML Handling (libxml2): Pass

    GD Library (gd): FAILED (Click for more info)

    Weird, NEVER had a GD problem with any of my installs before. Have GD, GD-DEVEL and PHP-GD installed but it's not coming up in phpinfo() even after an apache restart.. pain!


    rebuild of apache has fixed this, whoo.. I think I might now know why attachments in RC1 weren't working (despite the fact they were before in 2.3.6 on the same box under the same install?)
  5. I find on the iPhone that the CSS is slightly wrong and it's making the subforum font size larger than the parent forum. Other than that, it's a big improvement on the old Lo-Fi (which is useful, as lots of my users are having problems with the RC1 skin, especially on IE6 in workplaces that are too stubborn to upgrade)

    The best mobile skin I've seen recently is http://www.webhostingtalk.com , it's really slick.. hopefully someone will write up a similar one for IPB.

  6. Yeah that sounds like a good plan. I'm hoping that RC1 ACP will be laid out differently and won't copy across the dead entries in the config panels, some of the stuff in 2.x I haven't had active in years!

  7. I'm sure a lot of people are in the same position as I am, I've been running IPB from 1.3 or so and moved my install around a multitude of servers, upgrading whilst I go. The site works perfectly fine, but there's a lot of.. well, crap in the database and ACP that should be cleared out.

    Anyone got some good tips on a good way to do an RC1 install that gets rid of all the excess files and database edits that mods and tools throughout the years have put on the system?


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